Elder Welch:
Below is my (lengthy) personal account of my conversion story. I
actually typed it out before for a talk I gave at a YSA fireside earlier this
year and added a lot to it for you. It's longer in the part before I met
you two because I figure you don't know all those details. Good luck writing
your homecoming talk when you get home, but don't forget you got a couple more
weeks in AL to help spread the gospel.
Try and go to an ice cream parlor called Milky-Moos in Troy before
you head out. They have some pretty interesting flavors and it's all homemade.
They used to make a cinnamon roll sundae that was really good at the one in
Enterprise. I enjoyed Dothan 1st Ward this morning. Elder Thompson sort of
helped point me to the right rooms to go to.
School starts tomorrow, and I go year round now. It's all
going well though. Email me if you have any more questions for your talk. I
realized I'm only one story and provided you with way too much info. Don't be
afraid to cut a lot of it out.
Good luck finishing up the mission and have a safe trip home
to NV.
Pat Baldwin
It was August when I first chatted with missionaries online.
It was a pair of sisters on the online chat thing, and I was asking
questions about what the Church believes about life after death. We had been
talking in school about communicating with people near the end of life and were
looking at different views on the subject based on life experiences/religious
affiliation. The sisters were not native English speakers and we had difficulty
understanding one another. They passed me off to a pair of American guys
who wanted to Skype or something to "better answer my questions". I hesitated
because my whole goal was to give as little info about myself as
possible, but agreed to give them a junk gmail address I never use so they
could video conference with me on google.
They answered some of my questions the first
meeting and asked if we could meet again in a couple days. I said no. Now the
original sisters and the elders were emailing that gmail address at least once
a week with some Mormon Message or an invitation to meet with me again (I'm
still on some Listserv in the Provo MTC and get an email from random sister
missionaries every now and then). After a couple weeks, one of
missionaries messaged and asked if they could call to share a message. I
thought they were kind of pushy, but let them call as they shared a brief
message about eternal families and the temple.
They finally answered some of the questions I initially asked
during the first call (long after our essay/test on subject in school was
over), but said they were out of time and would have to call back later to give
me rest of story. I had no intention of joining the church and refused every
challenge they gave for me to read the Book of Mormon, but we did read from it
during their lesson. The next call was weird. One of the
elders finished his mission and had gone home, so there was a guy I hadn't met
before. They began the lesson asking me what I'd do if I knew the Book of
Mormon was true. I said I'd probably join the church, but I wasn't
interested in changing religions and didn't think it was true.
Then they "challenged" me to read the
Book of Mormon and prepare for Baptism the weekend after Thanksgiving. I
thought they were crazy and did not want to speak with them anymore. I asked
that they quit emailing me and that we end the chat. They said they understood,
but wanted to know if they could send me a Book of Mormon. I was just
interested in getting rid of them and said sure they could send me one. They
took down my address and said they'd send it. Looking back I don't know why I
was so willing to give my address but afraid to give my email address or phone
number. I guess I just wanted them gone.
Here is where you and Elder Clayton come into
the story. I thought they'd mail it to me, but after a week, I figured
they forgot to send it. Then I came home from school one day to a pass along
card in door with your names and phone number on it. I immediately realized
what had happened. I was afraid you'd keep coming back until you met me and I
did not want to be caught randomly at an inconvenient time. I also felt bad
that yall may have driven from far away to only find an empty apartment. I
called either the night after you left it or the next night and set up the
first appointment.
I liked the first lesson and how you two weren't
nearly as pushy as that one "new" elder I met on the last video
conference. It's also way different to meet a pair of elders in person. Most
converts I've spoken to share a real respect for what you guys do leaving for
two years and all that. (I forgot for awhile but eventually emailed the elders
and sisters i chatted with online that I was baptized)
I think you know the rest of the story for the
most part. I offered the two of you iced tea every visit until the Word of
Wisdom lesson finally came up. I basically asked Carson if he knew any
polygamists the one visit he came. I genuflected the first time I went to
sacrament meeting. I sat through all of Brother Booth's long stories that
weren't related to the lessons at all. Most importantly, though, I began
reading a chapter in the Book of Mormon each day after our second visit. ( I
now know how rare it is for investigators to even read one chapter and what
Elder Clayton meant when he called me "golden")
I'd love to say there was a specific chapter or
story in the Book of Mormon that was the spark that let me know it was true,
but I do not really have one. I struggled to know the truthfulness but kept
reading and meeting with you guys because I felt religion was missing from my
life especially after a fairly religious upbringing until my parents split. (I
don't know if I ever told you two that I met with a Catholic priest once while
I was taking the lessons) I struggled with modern prophecy a decent amount and
the need for a restoration through Joseph Smith.
I got my answer late one night after reading 2
Nephi 30/31 I think ( you two had told me to pay special attention to that
section ). It went over the importance of baptism and conversion like I had
been learning in the lessons. I prayed afterwards in bed and that's when I knew
what I had been reading all this time was true. I quit asking some of the
questions that were keeping me from embracing the gospel (what would my friends
and family think/will people think I'm going to hell/I don't want people
to think I'm in a cult/can I really quit tea and alcohol forever/can i see
myself living the perfect Mormon lifestyle). I had already gone to a sacrament
meeting by this point and was also surprised by how normal the church service
seemed. I agreed to be baptized around Christmas and before you two's next
It's almost 1.5 years later (Baptized
12/28/2013) and I do not really have any regrets. Doing baptisms for the dead
with the youth next Saturday in Birmingham and currently counseler in EQ.
The End

This week kind of seems
like a blur, it seems like it went by fast but it also seems like I talk to
y'all like 3 weeks ago haha. It really was nice talking to and seeing you, what
missionaries say is the time from December to may
just flies by, I guess we will just see. I only have 3.5 transfers until I hit
my year mark, isn't it just crazy?!
What a better
week to have all the blessings a missionary can
get than Christmas? On Tuesday was my very first district meeting as the
district leader and I honestly was shaking in my boots! As I had been looking
over the numbers and talked to each set of missionaries I heard a lot about
having a hard time in their finding efforts so I talked about using the talents
got has given us to share the gospel (DC 60:2-3). This week the district really
stepped up and set a goal for 10 new investigators to find and we did exactly
that, The Lord blesses those who follow the counsel of their leaders, whether
it be the district leader or the Prophet, both get revelation for what they are
Wednesday was Christmas so
we got up and did our studies which of course were not very easy to focus on
but I did it. We then opened the presents that our families had sent us and
then went out and tried to work the best we could but of course no one wanted
us to come to their house on that day of the year so it was a hard day. Finally
6 o'clock arrived and I got to go over to the Doles house to skype my family, we
did it on an XBox 1 and it was awesome, such a good camera! it was really nice
to hear and talk to my family since it has been since June that I have heard
from them.
Saturday we had
Patrick's baptism and it was so good! He was excited for it and his mom who has
been against the whole thing actually came to it. Patrick was happy with his
decision and was confirmed the next day by Bishop Jordan, i knew it was an
inspired blessing because I knew the problems that Patrick had been having.
Other Investigators that we have met with this week...Matt was a referral from
the sisters and he is so solid, he has studied almost
every religion but thinks that there is something about
this one, we cant wait for our next lesson with him! Scott, George, Joey, and Jermaine haven't progressed any since I've last talked about them and that is the area that Elder Clayton and I have been trying
to focus on recently, progressing our investigators. I also sang in church on Sunday (one voice) and i felt i did well and got a lot
of compliments on that.
This week has been an awesome week but it seemed like yesterday the Lord wanted
to humble Elder Clayton and I a bit because of how much success we've seen come
from this area, we went to so many houses and had so many appointments but
they all fell through. We have to be thankful for those
times of opposition or else we wouldn't have the happy times. I love and miss
y'all and hope that 2014 treats everyone well, set personal goals
on how to become better.
Elder Welch
Oh boy oh boy, t minus 2
days until we talk, I'm freaking out over here! The Dole's house is really small so they will all be in the same room basically, it'll be weird. I hope you enjoy the gifts I sent and that Christmas week will be an awesome one,
homesickness hasn't struck me mostly because it feels like September here haha.
I feel
like I have said this every week but its true, this week has flown by! On Tuesday we had our half mission conference in Fox Run! It was really nice to be
back in my "birth place" and to see a few people from that ward.
President Smith talked to us about how being obedient shows our love to the
Savior not only in this Christmas season but throughout the whole year, he also
set apart his new counselors for the mission. Sister Smith then took over and
had set up a Devotional where missionaries sang about Christmas and she shared
stories from Christmas, that is where I sang my
solo "Josephs Lullaby." Our van broke down on the way there and had
to get that fixed on Wednesday so we weren't able to do much then! As district
leader I wanted to give the district a little more motivation to work out in
the mornings since no one likes to and its a little chilly at 6:30 so I started
"the biggest loser" competition, everyone loves the idea and it'll be
really fun! This week I have had to plan for district meeting that I have to
teach tomorrow and that will be my first district meeting I will ever teach but
they will be a weekly thing so might as well get use to it,
right? As a district leader I have to go on all of the
tradeoffs and I started doing those this week. On Saturday I went up to
Saraland with a newer missionary, Elder Leishman to help him start learning how
to run his area and see how he was doing, it was a fun tradeoff. Saturday night
we had a crazy southern storm and it lasted through all of Sunday and even still kind of raining....Mobile
and Seattle battle for the rainiest city in the country so it rains a lot here!
On Sunday I had the tradeoff with one of the zone leaders, Elder Butterfield. I
stayed in my area for that one and it was a learning experience for me, I'd even
go to the extent of saying a humbling experience, its what we need every once
and a while. As far as investigators go Patrick has already planned his baptism
out so he is set in stone for this weekend, a cool thing is that I will be singing in church the day he gets
confirmed! All other investigators haven't really had anything big
happen or changes. The sisters had a solid investigator who they have been
working with but this week he texted them and said that he likes one of them so
we had to take over on teaching him, I felt bad for taking their solid one but
it is kind of nice honestly haha. We did find a new
investigator on our own though! Elder Clayton and I were driving and he saw a
lady putting up lights so he stopped and all of a sudden
turns around to get help her, he was so inspired to do it too! After we got
done helping her I played ball with her grandson and talked to him a little bit
about church and Elder Clayton talked to her. She recently had lost a daughter
and was praying for guidance on how to cope with it, the Lord sent us, big
surprise right?! We talked about the plan of salvation and have a return
appointment with her tomorrow!
This week I
want to expound on something that I have been trying to live by recently.
"Remember how you feel." Remembering how you felt when you
gained your testimony, remember how you felt when you feel the spirit so you
can tell for next time it happens, remember how you feel when you are doing
things you aren't suppose to be doing. This is how we gain
desire behind a lot of the things that we do and have our testimony shape our
life. Merry Christmas this week and remember how you feel this time of the year
and incorporate it into the rest of the year. Love and best wishes! All is well
Elder Welch
What a week! I have
never been so tired in my whole life, not physically like as in running a
marathon but mentally, spiritually, and sleepy wise. I can't imagine how tired
Joseph Smith would have been when he saw angels, its spiritually draining! This
week also has seemed like a blur, I don't know why time has been flying by so
fast recently. I've been a little stressed this whole week with all that I have to do but it is a growing experience that I need. On Monday we did
a regular p-day stuff and helped the zone leaders get transfers figured all out.
On Tuesday we had our last district meeting
where we all bore our testimonies and it was a really spiritual
experience, it was sad to see the two elders go but we will see them tomorrow
at half mission conference so it'll be fine! Wednesday we had to let the zone
leaders use our van for transfers so we took there car and one other elder that
was waiting for his companion and he spent the day with us. We wanted to do
some service in the area so we went and got signed up with the Red Cross and
hopefully that'll lead to some good things. Once all of the other
missionaries got here we took the other elder back and I got to meet the new
elders in the district and one of them is blind! It is actually super cool, he isn't 100% blind but he still needs a walking stick, I get
to go on a tradeoff with him next month. On Friday we got a new investigator
named Joey. He's been an investigator before and has been taught all of the lesson but he has a Catholic family
he is scared of offending. The way he came back in
contact with us is he had just recently gotten
surgery and was in a lot of pain and his brother in law gave him a blessing
which he said helped out so much so he is ready to take
the next step...again. He also said he would get baptized if Auburn won
so it's meant to be! Patrick had the same problem with the family so we will
bring him over to our lessons to see if that could solve some problems for
Joey. Speaking of Patrick...he is so solid!
He is more devoted than most members I know, I love it.
Rick came to church yesterday which was nice but it seems like he doesn't have
the desire yet, his wife is just pushing him
into it. It'll come. This week I got a random text from my mission
mom (President Smith's wife) and she asked me if I could sing at the half mission
conference so that is another thing that will be fun
but definitely adds to the stress level, I'm singing Josephs lullaby by Mercy
I honestly have no idea about what I
want to talk about for a spiritual message at the end but ill just see what
comes out! The enabling power of the atonement has really helped me not only
recently but a lot in my whole life. I've thought back a lot on my permission
status and realize more and more each day not how well I
prepared myself for my mission but how well the Lord
prepared me for my mission. He needed to suffer so he could succor. I believe
that it has been a big problem in the world today that don't know about this
enabling power. That's why in general conference it talked a lot about people
having a hard time and people with depression. Use that power. Love and miss
y'all! all is well
Elder Welch
Well all of y'all know of the news coming up, me calling
home, 6 months, and district leader. Its an exciting part of the year for
missionary families. In YM yesterday they were talking about their quorum unity
and a question got brought up that asked when they felt that their families
have felt unified. The first thing that popped into my head was not what i was
expecting but it was when I was leaving and getting dropped off at the MTC. I
would say even though our family is spread across
the country we are unified in the things that we are doing, just a cool
interesting thought.
These weeks
just seem like they have gotten faster and faster, especially the past three!
On Monday we didn't do much except played basketball for like four hours
straight, I was so exhausted by the end of it! We had district meeting on Tuesday and had our tradeoff with the district leader and his companion. Elder Clayton
stayed in Mobile with the district leader, Elder Buhler. I went over to
Lucedale, Mississippi to go with Elder Ogilvie! I have now been to 3 of the 4
states in the mission, Only Georgia is left. We didn't do anything too exciting, went and saw some less actives, knocked some doors,
and that's about it. I loved talking to him though, he is a super good and cool missionary, he is from St. George and only has 5 months to go! For
dinner over in Lucedale we went to a members house. She was pretty old and
losing her hair and Elder Ogilvie warned me of it. i was actually pretty scared
to eat there but as I ate I didn't find one hair in my food so i came out
good....or I never saw them.
Wednesday and Thursday Elder clayton and I had to bike a little bit because we munched a ton
of our miles with tradeoffs and we have to go to Pensacola next week for our
half mission conference. Biking is not my favorite
thing but I gotta do what I gotta do! We were biking and needed a break
so we stopped at a members house to talk with them for a little bit and I found
out the best news I've heard in a long time...WE HAVE A PAPA MURPHYS in Mobile! I knew that this was the promised land in the mission. Friday we have set up
basketball every week and a lot of less actives and nonmembers come and it has
been an awesome way to share the gospel in a non threatening way. The sisters
got their investigator to come and after that night he had a BCD, we also gave
a Book of Mormon to a non member so it was a total success!
As far as
investigators go we have seen a lot of success in the past few weeks! Patrick
has been having a problem with Joseph Smith and his family as we have talked
about in recent emails. he came to church this Sunday and just handed me a piece
of paper with writing on it and said to read about it in my studies so i was
freaking out the whole time at church! Once we got home I opened the piece of
paper to see questions he had about what he read, i was so relieved and am so
proud of him, he works so hard! He then texted us at the devotional and
said all of his questions had been answered in church plus
his testimony of the prophet joseph. I love inspiration. Then his next text to
us was he was trying to get his mom to come to his baptism which told us
he is still working on his mom and that he is set for his baptism on the 28th! I love how the
Lord helps us out in the work...he makes it so much easier! We also taught
Rick Wells(sis wells husband) the restoration
of the gospel. It was one of the hardest lessons I've ever had to teach
and is the lesson that I have felt most inspired in and
led by the spirit in, i gave promised blessings that I never have before..im
praying the Lord is on my side in the one! He is having a hard time grasping organized religion but
he will come eventually if he starts to read and pray.
week has been such a blessing to me and I really have seen how i have grown. i
have been called as a district leader over 3 ward/12 missionaries in Mobile and
pray that the inspiration i felt in Rick's lesson will be with me in my
district meetings and when giving counsel to my district. This week I want to
talk about obedience and repentance. If we look at the gospel of Jesus Christ we
know that those two things are key but they mean nothing without diligence in
those things. The gospel of Jesus Christ is an on going
cycle just like repentance is. If we are obedient
without being diligently obedient are we doing anything for ourselves and are
we even really being obedient? That's why Christlike attributes are so
important! They have there reasons behind it rather than just being like Christ. have an awesome week and know I love y'all! all is well.
Elder Welch
What an
awesome week to reflect on the things we are grateful for and really just take
a self evaluation of your life. There is no better time
to turn your thoughts and actions towards Christ. On Tuesday we had our zone
training and it was such a good meeting! Elder Butterfield and Hadden are our
zone leaders and they taught about what they learned from the general authority that came to Tallee and it was just inspiring. The best part of that
meeting was when the stake president came in and talked to us a little bit and
gave us motivation. After the meeting we went to go to one of our investigators
homes to teach him but he had to reschedule for another time, we brought
Brother Booth over our high priest group leader and while we were talking to
Jermaine (the investigator) he said he didn't have money to buy a thanksgiving
dinner so we then went with brother booth and he bought Jermaine a full
thanksgiving dinner! It was amazing. If that man does not make it to the
celestial kingdom than neither will I, I love him. On thanksgiving day we got
up at normal time and went to the college fields to play in our wards turkey
bowl. For some reason it was really cold that morning...like 26 when we got up
but 30-35 by the time we were playing, it was a lot of fun, i was captain for
my team and we kicked butt! We then went over to our investigator, Scott's,
house to eat our first thanksgiving dinner. It was so good and I love southern
food! I ate the first collard greens that i actually liked, I even went back
for seconds. We then went to our second dinners home who was a member and her
husband turned into an investigator by the end of dinner. We ate so much there,
she had more dessert for us that she did dinner. All in all it was a very successful thanksgiving!
As far
as our investigators go...Scott, the one we had dinner with isn'tnt progressing and I don't think he even really gets it.
He was rolling his own cigarettes the whole time we were teaching him but we
will have a "DTR" with him...basically tell him our purpose why we
are there. Patrick is doing awesome! He just got
through the Isaiah chapters in 2 Nephi. He said he really felt the spirit this Sunday during the testimony meeting and then in gospel principles
we talked about baptism. He is gaining a
testimony and is recognizing it. He told his
catholic mom and she said she was ashamed of him so that was really hard but
he is handling it better than i would. he will be
baptized in January. At church elder clayton and I had six of our less active
families come which was just a good testimony builder. Also...Auburn beat Alabama!!! The whole state was shut down that day and then the city was going
crazy that night!
This week I
wanted to talk a little bit about what i said in the beginning of the
letter...taking that self evaluation. I did it this week and it was humbling
and really hard, I didn't feel I was doing my best, I've since then changed my
attitude and I've seen the progress in the work and myself. For those that have
gone on missions, are about to go on a mission, or are thinking about going on
missions I have a quote for you. "A person rises to the stature he sets
out for himself in the mission field" Reflect on that and get back
to that level you once were or think of what you want to become. Mission life doesn't mean we don't have the normal temptations of life because we do, we just
have the spirit more to have a little more motivation to get back up. I like to
think of it as a movie. When there is a huge battle
scene and the hero keeps getting knocked down I am usually on the edge of my
seat saying "get up, you're the only one that can win the battle" and
somehow someway that hero always finds the strength to get back up. I then sit
back into my seat think "that's my boy". When we have given into a
little temptation and have fallen we are the hero in the story and are the only
ones to save yourself from the battle we have been fighting since the beginning and when we finally find that strength to get back up Heavenly
Father sits back and says "that's my boy, I knew he could do it. Be the
"master of your fate"
Elder Welch