Zone Conference Week


   I knew that this week as going to be crazy but I didn't think it'd end up being this crazy. On Monday we had the black box guy from Salt Lake in the office so things were hectic! The black boxes are super cool though, Im definitely putting one in my teenagers car when I get to that point. They track your speed, braking, seat belts, if you go over a bump too hard, and if you turn too sharp. Depending on the severity of the violation it is put on our driving record and President gets a summary of it every transfer...good thing I drive like a grandma already. The guy was here all week to train us and all of the missionaries on these things so we travelled with him. His job would be so crazy to have, he is over all of the vehicles in 32 different missions...about 2250. We generally have zone conferences every other transfer but with how many general authorities have come into the mission the past year the last one we had was in April of 2014. We taught on the survey that I talked about a few letters ago, the mission...for the most part loved it.      
  Thursday night we went to a baptism in fifth ward. Our new investigator Eric came and we taught him a super spiritual restoration message. His fellow-shipper just got off his mission in Mexico 3 weeks ago and he is kind of having a hard time with English but we still used him in the lesson haha. Friday and this morning all that we have been doing is trying to move into our new place that is closer to campus. That has been a task in and of itself. Sorry that this letter is so short but honestly most of the days were the exact same, just in a different part of the mission. Love and miss y'all, all is well. 

   Elder Welch


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