Troy Special Olympics


This week has been really busy with traveling and service opportunities! I will list some of the main highlights. As far as proselyting goes the time solely consecrated to that was very slim this week but on Wednesday we had a fantastic day doing it! Last week we tracted into an old lady and invited her to to do family history with us. This week we had a follow up with her. The appointment itself was useful for family history but the greatest blessing of it all was she wanted to set up another time when she could have her daughter in laws over so we could help them too! She is also very easy to talk to about religious things so thats a hurdle that won't be hard to jump over. We OYM'd a Chinese lady our 6th day here about Chinese class and as she has come she has expressed interest in wanting to know more about the church as well(she is the one that asked what the purpose of life is in the middle of the class). We finally got to meet with her this week because of the campus being closed and she even brought her husband! The believe in a supreme power but with the way China is they haven't been exposed to that knowledge that much. They are fantastic people and will be a little harder to teach but are teachable, great things are coming for Nancy and Will(American names). 
  On Friday we had zone conference in Tallahassee, it was really weird being back because it seemed like I had never left. The conference was uplifting and we were given a lot of good direction on what needs to be happening. I think the coolest thing that we saw there was that we as a companionship had come up with some of the things they talked about in zone conference before they were taught to us, The Lord is in charge of the work and if we are willing he will guide us as a group in the same direction. 
   This past weekend was the special Olympics for the state of Alabama and we got to help out with that all weekend! Thursday we helped set up for the dance afterward, it reminded me of prom, super weird! Saturday morning we helped out with the weight lifting event and that was crazy to see! There were guys that ranged from 25 years old to 75, I don't even think these guys had pain tolerance. There was one kid that was 110 pounds and he benched 225. Thats a ton of weight for that little guy! All in all it was a lot of fun to work this week and to be out doing different things. Next week I will have a lot of good things to talk about again such as, petting a Liger, tiger, lion, holding a python, etc. Stay tuned! love and miss yall. All is well! 

    Elder Welch

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