First Holiday on my Mission - 4th of July

  This week has been really good! So these past few weeks I’ve been reading through the Book of Mormon in my personal studies and some of the things that have really stuck out to me was the influence of the spirit in my life as a missionary and his role in all of our lives. He is a comforter, that is one thing that I have really utilized as a new missionary and he has played roll as my mom when she is so far away, still no comparison to mom though, I miss that a lot. Along with that as I've read I’ve come across the story of the stripling warriors. I, just like them have been born of goodly parents, just like Nephi too. I come out here where the economy is bad and not a lot of LDS families and realize how impacting your own family has to be. I was raised in the gospel and you two have tried your hardest to make sure all of us kids are on the right path, your job have always been fulfilled when it comes to that. I can’t thank you enough for the lives you have offered me and the chances and opportunities you have given me as you've raised me in righteousness. It’s harder to be stripling parents in this day and time and you two have done it. Tuesday was our first district meeting and we have them every week, I've already got a nickname for myself too, they think I look like Tom Cruise so they call me tommy. I’ve never been told that but I'll take it! I also showed the sister missionaries our family and they all think I look like mom, that was kind of new too but I'll take it!  This whole week it has rained, the whole time. It is kind of annoying and makes me tired and it’s all gloomy but I like it when it pours, we are still riding bikes every other day rain or no rain.(depending on lightening) I had a few crazy experiences with my investigators this week:

Sharon is a newer one that has been to a lot of different churches, she is about 45 and has 2 kids, I swear all people are grandparents by the time they are 40 though since they all get married at 18. Anyway we taught her the restoration and at the end of it I invited her to be baptized by someone holding the priesthood authority of god and she accepted! It was the scariest thing I’ve done so far and did get a few pointers from elder foster on how to do better, I'll talk about that later!

Eileen- A 50 year old British lady who son is in the navy. She is a nurse and will be baptized either Saturday or next week, I’ve guessing next week because we still have a lot to teach her plus her interview, she just has a crazy work schedule.

TJ- super cool 18 year old black kid that just graduated from high school, fastest running back in the state. He is basically a dry Mormon (just add baptism) super golden investigator!

  Now I want to talk about the coolest tracting experience ever! I guess the week previous there was a stabbing at a church by 2 teenagers that we had no clue about, anyways; we just got out of an appointment and saw this guy just by his fence smoking so we went over and talked to him. The guy that got stabbed was this guy and he was about to tell us the story of the stabbing but then all of a sudden these two young girls come out of another house and tell him that it was their brothers that stabbed him and kind of apologized in their behalf. He forgave them on the spot! At this point my jaw was on the ground, this guy was amazing. Next thing we know he turns to us and tells us it isn’t a coincidence that we showed up and talked to him about the gospel and that he wanted to take the lessons. Unfortunately he is homeless right now and we don’t have any way of getting back in contact with him so we are praying the lord will put us in his path. It’s hard to explain and I probably didn’t do the experience justice.


     On the Fourth of July we went over to a members house with a nonmember to talk to him a bit and we started the discussion out pretty simply but then the members took over and it went into a trying to prove the other person wrong session and I couldn’t feel the spirit at all, it was actually a scary situation. Elder Foster and I just kind of sat there and then bore our testimonies at the end. It shows that we really need to use the spirit, we teach, the spirit converts. Just to let mom know; since I’ve been on my mission I’ve been a clean freak, it’s actually kind of nice. Elder foster usually is pretty clean anyway so it’s easy on me. He is still a great companion and is teaching me a lot! One thing that has been really, really, really hard for me is coming out of my shell and talking to people because I am still shy so I fasted for that yesterday along with other things for my investigators. Last night we had a lesson with one of our more stubborn guys and I was just talking like there was not tomorrow! It was awesome, I still need to work on it though. I know this church is true and that we have a true living prophet on the earth today. I am so thankful for Jesus Christ and for the atonement. I know Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers, I’ve felt all of yours strengthen me. I love you all and until next time. All is well

Elder Welch

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