One Month In

 This week has kind of been a rough one. We didn't get a lot of number (even though it isn't about numbers) as far as goal/actuals and a lot of our golden appointments fell through, then to top off the week one 1 of the 7 investigators we have came to church. On the bright side of things my 1 month mark was Friday! 23 more to go, it'll come way too fast. So we tried to go and contact Brad(homeless) guy where we found him and it was a really weird situation. We went up to the house and the door was open, lights off, but tv was one home. Elder Foster and I felt that we needed to get the heck out of there so we followed that prompting and had to drop Brad. 
  On Tuesday I did my first tradeoff with Elder Brett Simmons. Coolest elder in the Florida Tallahassee mission, I would love to serve with him someday. He has been out 10 months and got me to come out of my shell and be comfortable with talking, too bad that only lasted for a day. It was such a great learning experience for me. I realized this week that I haven't really talked about what the area Im in is like. Florida is so different. When I first got here of course I recognized the humidity which Im pretty much use to, still not use to sweating though, who the heck sweats from their arms anyway?! Everyone in Florida thats who.Then when I finally got out into Florida I realized that my WHOLE mission is a rain forest, literally a forest, its all trees, everywhere. The stop lights here are different too. They put them on the pole sideways so they are horizontal instead of vertical, it's for hurricane purposes. By the way there has been a lot of talk about hurricanes here lately! 
  Biking is a little more difficult than it would be back west too since there are no sidewalks anywhere. I don't know the reasoning for it but Im still not use to it. No one cares if you drive on their lawns here though cause the grass isn't even really grass so we ride out bikes on there and park our car on there too so it doesn't get hit. Animals are everywhere too, Ive seen a few armadillos, frogs here are like ants back home, everywhere, there are also red cardinals flying around, they look so cool. I haven't seen an alligator yet though. Also in peoples gardens instead of putting bark down or something they put pine needles, I don't understand that either, maybe it's just cheaper. I heard this week that pensacola alone has 50 different churches in it, craziness! 
  Every Thursday we go and play basketball with some nonmembers and then share a message afterward and we actually got a new investigator out of it! He is so golden and invited his mom and his friend to the lesson with him this next week, cant wait! Eileen got her work schedule changed so we had to postpone her baptism a few weeks back, next transfer we better have a baptism per week! we have so many golden investigators lined up that are so close. We were planning on dropping Sharon because she wasn't keeping commitments and her and her boyfriend wont get married, they talk to the bishop Wednesday though so I think that'll all get figured out. Bridget is the one I invited to be baptized and she has been out of town all week so hopefully we teach her this week. 
  We met with President Smith this week and he gave us such exciting news. ALL USA missions will have i-pads and i-phones by December, so for all we know we could get them by October! I cant wait, so exciting! He also told us what he learned at the MTC and Elder Bednar said something awesome and I believe it 100%. "The internet was only invented for one reason, this change in missionary work is that reason." He also said that 2013 will go down in history as the biggest year since the Book of Mormon or All men receiving the priesthood. I love President Smith. My message this week comes from Alma 31:31-33. This week has been really hard and I needed to be humbled.   This scripture I read this morning in my personal study. Our heavenly Father knows us personally, he knows our hardships, he knows how we can best get through our trails. He didn't just go through what we are going through, he went lower. He knows how we can be happy and Ive recognized that this gospel is the only way to true happiness. Of course in the plan of happiness isn't complete without an eternal spouse. I have seen families here on my mission that fell apart because the parents didn't have a good relationship. Look to our Heavenly father and Jesus Christ in all you do. They are the perfect examples. I love you all and love the letters and emails you send me. Know that I know this gospel is the only true gospel on the earth, i know Joseph Smith restored this gospel and held all the keys which were handed down to Thomas s Monson, the true prophet today that gets revelation for this church. The heavens are not closed, they are just as open as they were in the bible times. Pray to your Heavenly father, pray often, and follow the teaching of our living prophet and apostles. All is well and this week is going to be better. Have faith and let Christ run His work through me. I miss you all.

Elder Welch

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