July 22, 2013 Letter

 As far as what I’ve been eating; we only make breakfast and lunch, dinner is always given to us, the members here are amazing! For breakfast I get some of this bagged Maltomeal stuff that is healthy and really good or raisin bran, always fruit with breakfast. For lunch I have those frozen chicken tenders or hamburger and grill them on a George Foreman grill with either BBQ or some other sauce, its good, plus an apple with honey on it (new invention that’s delicious!) That’s pretty much what I always eat, I have bagels and trail mix and apples and oranges I have for snacks so I’m never going hungry. Laundry has been going well, no stains that ever give me a problem, I had to get a Resolve laundry stick for my collars because of the sweat and dirt that get on the back of the collar and that does the trick, I don’t have to iron my shirts ever(except for my first week when I unpacked).  I’m really jealous of those first ward elders, always cut missionaries hair, it is the hardest thing for me to find here, a good haircut, plus its service that won’t go unnoticed. I remember a guy told me that this mission was the highest baptizing mission in the nation, he’s wrong. People here are receptive but I’m right in the "buckle" of the "bible belt". The missionaries that are sent here are top of the notch and I’ve got to meet that level and expectation.

I did the NASTIEST service project this week but the sister missionaries were champs. We had to go to an older lady’s (80) home and clean up food that she dropped behind the fridge A MONTH AGO and had been sitting there since because she couldn’t reach it. Mold, smelly, and just bad. I have never smelled anything so nasty. We got it all cleaned up but I don’t think that smell will ever go out of her house. Super nice lady that couldn’t help herself so we did it, it was fun because we had both sets of missionaries there. That’s my fun story of the week.

So this week was kind of rough to start but got busier and better as the week came to a close! On Tuesday we went to an investigators house and his name is Curtis but wants us to call him "Stone Cold" Funniest guy in the world and he does have some drinking and smoking problems, there's probably a reason that's his nickname. Anyway we were talking to him and he doesn’t seem like he is super interested but he shined mine and Elder Fosters shoes with Armourall! I’ll have to get a pictures with him sometime and send it home, I love the guy! He loves to make people happy. The kid we met at basketball; Nate, hasn’t found a good time for us to teach him and his mom so not much of an update on him, we'll get him! He was at basketball at least and got to hear the spiritual message there, plus we got 3 dozen Krispy Kreme donuts! I love myself some Krispy Kreme! Bridget's dad had surgery last week and she will be out of town for 6-8 weeks, so I don’t know what will happen there, she will get baptized eventually! Eileen the British lady is so awesome! She has been working night and day shifts as a nurse so I don’t know how she sleeps but she still comes to church, we are meeting with her tonight, just a matter of time as well! We ran into a guy that seemed really nice and like he knew a little about the bible, as the conversation went on we found out he knew a LOT about the bible. It wasn’t a bash session and he does want to know more and asked us to come back, his name is Eric. Marcus is probably one of our tougher lessons but Elder Foster and I have seen him change in the past two weeks and we think he knows it’s true, its super hard for us to read him though. He asked us to pray to know what we think he thinks about our message, so we took him up on it, we are entitled to get revelation for our investigators so we will be praying more intently than ever before. Just to make things clear, we are not and he did not ask for us to get his answer for him, I think he just wants to see how inspired we are. We have faith and we know the Lord will answer our prayers. Elder Foster and I have realized how inspired our leaders have been in the new changes, we can’t really tract here because every door says no soliciting and no one is willing to let people come into their homes, when iPads come out the work will BOOM! The members here are amazing! Since anyone that wants to be a pilot in the army or navy and air force has to come through Pensacola to be trained there are a lot of people from everywhere around the nation and we get all different types of food, I still haven’t had grits or any real southern cooking other than their beautiful BBQ, I’ll get some eventually. This week I wanted to talk about our potential in the Lord's eyes. In Matthew Christ tells the people "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in Heaven is perfect" and in 3 Nephi he says the same thing except he adds "be ye therefore perfect, even as I and your Father which is in Heaven is perfect"(he'd been resurrected) Simply put, that is the standard. Look in your patriarchal blessings and all the things in there as well, are the standard. I know that the Lord doesn’t give us ANYTHING that we can’t handle. He is our Father and we have traits from Him. We can and will be like our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ if we do the things they ask. I know that this is true. I love and miss you all. The church is true and the heavens are not closed. All is Well!

 Elder Welch

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