Elder Nelson's First Week in Fox Run

 It has been a good week. Transfers happened and I actually really haven’t even been homesick since Elder Nelson came on Wednesday which is nice, I’m too focused on directing the work in the ward and trying to be obedient. I like it. So when Elders have a string on their ties or pants or shirts we burn them off because it takes the string clean off, I was burning a sting off my pants and kind of burnt a hole in my pants ha-ha, so they’re getting patched up! I didn’t see they were 100% polyester. It’s all good though. I heard Bishop called y’all and had a nice chat, hope that was nice. I love Bishop Smith.

This week was so long, day by day, but looking back it flew by! For all that haven’t heard our most promising investigator; Eileen, has been on a trip in New Orleans and was with family. She must have heard a bunch of anti-doctrine and got talked out of it by her family.  I say that because when she came back she was not interested in the gospel anymore, so no baptism this last week unfortunately! Transfers happened on Wednesday and Elder Nelson came on in to Fox Run! He is a great missionary and is so funny. He is absolutely massive, he played football, rugby, and wrestled in high school. He's been out 14 months and his personality has reminded me a lot of Brendan Smith. I love him. It’ll be a great and fun transfer! I’m excited for it. I love this southern food and it has definitely gotten to me, yes it is possible for me to gain weight unfortunately, I am now 150lbs, I have a baby fat role. It’s ok though, I’m going to watch it this week and rebuke it. I’ll be emailing next week at 145lbs. Crazy story for this week happened last night! We were at this younger couple’s house for dinner and he is in his residency for becoming a doctor. We were just eating and talking and all of a sudden he gets up casually and goes to the sink and it looked like he was going to puke, then runs over to his wife and starts hitting her shoulder. She is 8 months pregnant and she turns and starts giving him the Heimlich maneuver! She was literally picking him up every time too, I’ve never seen a little pregnant lady with so much strength. The funny part was her dad was there and it didn’t faze him at all, he just said he was fine and kept eating while he was choking. He was fine after that though. Today I hit my two month mark! Crazy how fast time has flown, 22 months left, but who is counting?! On Wednesday I got a text from my bishop and he told me that he had just gotten off the phone with my dad. I was pretty surprised and then he asked me to sing in sacrament meeting, so I got to sing One Voice yesterday and from the response I got I feel its touched a lot of people so that was nice. Although Eileen fell through we didn’t get 1 BCD this week (baptismal/confirmation dates) Elder Foster and I had been teaching Marcus since I got here and he had always been the hardest to teach because he won’t pray and ask for things cause he doesn’t want to question God and last time he asked Him for something it went completely wrong. Yesterday we taught him the gospel of Jesus Christ and I have never been so guided by the spirit in a lesson before than I did in this one. He committed to baptism on 9/14 and to ask if this church is true! He also felt like baptism was cheating because he screwed up and didn’t feel like he should be clean if he has messed up. I explained to him how it would be cheating Christ if we didn’t use what he died for. I explained that it would be like if he gave his son a new motorcycle and his son put it in the garage forever because he doesn’t want to break it, it would be useless.  I compared it to that and it helped him realize the purpose of baptism and why we need to use it. It was awesome and it was all because of the Spirit. I’ll be praying for him that he has the courage to ask and continue to baptism.

This week I wanted to share how teaching with the Spirit and being worthy of the Spirit is essential. I have experienced teaching with and without the Spirit and can testify that it is the Spirit that teaches. All I do as a missionary is give information and cry repentance. The Holy Ghost is what teaches and testifies what is true. It makes missionary work a lot easier when we don’t have to worry about being the real teacher we just need to be worthy of the Spirit. How do we do that? Obedience! The things the scriptures and the prophets tell us to do aren’t suggestions, they’re COMMANDments. We have been told to do them and will be judged according to our obedience to them. I’ve said it once and I will say it again because I’ve seen it in my mission work and in my life. Obedience brings blessings, exact obedience brings miracles. Strive to be obedient and I promise Heavenly Father will pour out His blessings upon you. I know the Book of Mormon is true! In the words of Jeffrey R. Holland, "No evil man could write such a book and no good man would write such a book unless commanded to do so by God". I love y’all and am grateful for all of the support coming from home. All is well!

Elder Welch

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