My Trainer is Leaving Me After 6 Weeks

 My goodness, I’m already done with one transfer?! Only 16 more to go but who's counting right?? So on Tuesday our zone leaders had a tradeoff with us and I got to go with Elder Wilkey and stayed in Fox Run. I felt before they told us who was with who and where we were going that I was going to stay in Fox Run, I didn’t know why but I was right and I now know why I felt that. We just found out about transfers today and my companion; Elder Foster, is getting transferred and becoming a zone leader. That means I am staying here in Fox Run and kind of taking charge and training my companion on the area. I am overwhelmed with having to do that with only being 6 weeks out. No other person in my MTC group is doing that. It will be hard, it will be tiring, but it will be worth it and I know that the Lord is preparing me for greater things in my mission and in my life. Anyway...back to Tuesday. We had a full day of biking around and knocking on potential investigators and returning member houses and it was tiring! We worked really hard but planning for the next day did take a while, I’ll get the hang of it this transfer for sure! One of the few lessons we had planned for this week was with this lady named Gina. I knew once we got there that something wasn’t normal. She told us to go around the back to teach her since we couldn’t go inside to teach her with there being no male home. So Elder Foster and I made our way back around and saw her friend sitting there and I’ve never seen a lady so drunk and never smelt alcohol on someone so strong. So we sat down since we didn’t think Gina was drunk and could teach her. We were just talking for a little bit and then saw that her friend had no pants on and could tell that Gina was drunk as well, so we ended the conversation, bolted out of there, and dropped her. Craziest thing that has happened on my mission so far! It’s been a rough week though, 9 lessons total and a ton of tracting, August is the hottest time of the year too! I pray that this next week will be better.

    I’ve been thinking a lot this past week on what I wanted to share in this message and I’m still not completely sure where the Spirit will guide me during this so I pray that I will strengthen someone or help them to do missionary work as well. I kind of wanted to shape my message around enduring to the end. I have a story I want to share with ya’ll too, it’s not true of course. This older member of the church dies in a hospital one night and finds himself in heaven. He meets Jesus at the gate and Jesus welcomes him into the kingdom and the first thing that this old man sees are these massive mansions and he asks Christ if one of them is his. Christ says yes and tells him to come follow him. They make their journey down a road that has tons of the most beautiful buildings that anyone has ever seen and they finally reach his. Christ welcomes him inside and the older man is amazed at the beauty of the building. Marble floors, tons of space, and then he looks up and sees that there is no roof on his mansion. He turns to Christ and says, "what’s the big deal why don’t I have a ceiling?! Christ simply turned to the man and said, "We stopped building when you did".  Let’s not be like the man in this story, at many times in our life we feel like we are doing pretty well and settle for less than we and our Heavenly Father knows we can achieve. One way we can do that is by developing a lifestyle that Christ did. He was charitable. That is the one attribute that will lead to success in almost everything you do. Be thankful for what Heavenly Father gives to us, tell Him you are thankful, be thankful for those trials that He gives us to strengthen us, be grateful for the small things in life, and be grateful in bad times, mediocre times, and the best of times. I found myself having the hardest time this week, I was brushing away those things that Heavenly Father has given me and I wanted things my way. Faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ means that we not only have that trust in Them, but to submit our will to Theirs and hand Them the reins. I love my Savior Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father. I have felt their influence in my life and so much in my mission. This week will be hard for me, I know it will be. I need to hand the reins over, it’s not my life, and it’s His time to be the sculptor. I know that our leaders are called of God and that this call for Elder Foster to leave will be the best thing for me and for him. I will press forward in faith. I will do what’s asked of me, and I will pray for that charity so that I can enjoy it. I love you all and pray for you daily. All is well!

Elder Welch

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