Going to Pensacola Beach - Mom's Birthday

 What's up y'all?! This week has been quite a roller coaster ride but it flew by! We had zone training on Tuesday and found something out that blew our minds! Our goal for 2013 as far as baptisms go is 450, we are only at like 230, so pretty far behind. President Smith has been talking with general authorities about the changes coming up in missionary work and about goals for next year and has set a goal for 550 baptisms for 2014. What awesome faith that my president has in the new revelation our prophet has given, we're going to do it! After zone training I had my tradeoff with the zone leader Elder Judy in Navarre. I SAW THE BEACH FINALLY! It was a really good tradeoff and I learned a lot from him on how to become a better companion and missionary but the most exciting thing about the tradeoff was at night. We were driving home and it was dark and then out of the trees we see this MASSIVE black bear run across the street, it was so cool! it was a little scary knowing that we were only about a half mile from our apartment but it has been the coolest thing to happen on my mission so far. I have been feeling really inadequate this past week and have been praying and searching hard on how to become better at the things i need to. I always feel like missionaries kind of blow smoke up the green missionaries butts on how good they are doing but Elder Judy, Nelson, Foster, and Wilkey have said that this new generation on missionaries are more prepared. Elder Nelson told me last night he feels like I've already been out 6 months and that I'm training him. Its nice to hear and I feel that that was genuine. I still have things to become better on and still have those feelings of inadequacy which is good because I am, I'm representing the Savior himself here! I feel like I am becoming use to being on a mission since I'm starting to get a few mission dreams instead of dreams about home, they'll always be there though! The count this week is 153lbs! I'm doing a little better. On my tradeoff with elder lane I made my(Kari bates) biscuits and gravy for lunch and they think that I am some amazing chef, haha I love it. Elder Lane was talking about how he wants to lose weight and he said he tried to eat more to exercise his face muscles but it didn't work, hahaha the kid is so funny! We were trading back over at pine forest area and they got these super hot jalapenos from a member over there and I didn't believe them since it was just a jalapeno so I tried a sliver of one. HOLY SMOKES! I've never eaten something so hot in my entire life. I was literally crying and then I made the stupid mistake of wiping my tears with the hand i ate the jalapeno with so then my mouth and eye was killing me, worst decision of my life! I'm good now though. I filled my prescription this week at Walmart and while we were at the counter this crazy guy comes up to us and starts bashing us like crazy! In a Walmart line of all place. He didn't know much and was so rude. Elder nelson and I agreed it was the worst bash session we've been in on our missions so far. He rebuked us to hell in the name of Jesus Christ with no authority so he wont have a fun time on judgement day...punk! I cannot believe school has started all over the nation, one summer down on my mission, one to go!

   This week I wanted to talk about a talk that I studied in my personal study. Its called "His Grace is Sufficient" by Brad Wilcox. If you only do one thing that I ask you on my mission from these emails READ THIS TALK. It has changed my life and view on the atonement than anything ever has. I know that this talk was written through revelation. I'm not going to expound on it at all, I just want y'all to go read it. I know that this church is true and that we are the ones that are to take it to the world. I love and miss y'all. All is well. 

Elder Welch

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