Winning a 5k - Kind of

 I don't have as much time to email today so this might be a little shorter. This week has been a CRAZY one! I have gone from depressed and discouraged, to on the verge of tears, of loving my mission and not wanting to leave, mood swings are crazy out here! We met with TJ this week and set a baptismal date with him for September 14th. (It will probably get moved back) He has gotten his answer, we just had to show him that. He said that when he went to the Orlando temple grounds before, there was a feeling he couldn't's your sign! We also got to meet up with a less active member who is LOADED!  He is in charge of all of the airplanes for the military down here. We did service out there and hope he comes back to church! On Saturday we had a 5k for the Pine Forest Ward that we were going to help out with and I decided to run. I took the lead at the beginning and was going pretty good for most part of it.  The race just seemed to be way longer than it should, come to find out that I had gone an extra 2k! I still won though because everyone follows the idiot in the front haha. First 5k(7k) and I win!  Representing Nevada baby! I don't know if y'all have seen that website that shows crazy Walmart people but I am sure that they take ALL of those pictures in the south, some of the people I see down here are crazy!

This week I wanted to share the importance of obedience. I unfortunately have experienced both teaching with the Spirit and without. I can tell you that we need that Spirit and the way to obtain it is through obedience. This does not only apply to missionaries but to all members, we all have commandments and have made covenants that we need to keep. If we do not keep them we are no better than the people that spit upon the Savior, actually we might as well be doing that. Obey the commandments and show your love for the Savior. I love and miss yall. All is Well!

Elder Welch

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