Transferred to Mobile with Elder Griffen Clayton

  Well my time here in Fox Run has been a blessing, it has been well spent, it has been fun, and it has been where I was raised in my mission by my trainers, the members, and all other I come in contact with. It is really hard to have to let it go but I know the Lord has many more things in store for me in the MOBILE SOUTH area! Do I know where that is?? Not a clue haha but I will get the address out to my mom asap! This week has just flown by! On Monday we played some basketball with the district and that was a lot of fun, I have gotten even better on my mission I believe. We also saw TJ this week since he had surgery last week. One of his legs are longer than the other and he was getting it lengthened, he has like a cage on his leg with a bunch of screws connecting to his leg...super nasty!  He is doing awesome though! We went over to his house yesterday and he blessed the sacrament for himself and his nonmember mom, it was super awesome! The rest of the week not much happened, I hung out with the district a lot since everyone kind of knew I was leaving. We had a trunk or treat on Friday and a chili cookoff and I now understand what hot chili is...the southerners love their food (kind of like that story of the chili cookoff, the funny one(mom/dad)) After that I had my last tradeoff with my boy Elder Lane over in pine forest and we had to bike so much! We also forgot the phone over at Fox Run's apartment so we had to bike over at 7 when it was 48 degrees! (that may seem like beach weather to you but I wanted to cry it was so cold, my hands were frozen) The last this that happened this week is Tracy, our investigator who is going to get baptized on Nov. 10 came to church and she is super solid! In gospel principles this lady who got converted 20 years ago but still has a Baptist mentality argued about God creating the world even though it was Christ and just wouldn't budge no matter what scriptures we threw at her! It was so funny though because she was standing up preaching and whenever she felt the spirit she would say "oooh glory to god, hallelujah!" Elder Nelson and I were busting a gut.

    I wanted to talk about faith today. I felt like i was lacking faith this week and it was really hindering my progression and the work's progression. In church we learned a lot about aligning our will with the Lord's and that only happens through having faith in him and knowing that he is the master carver here. I have had a rough few transfers and was doubting whether or not I was meant to be in this area with this companion at this time. The lord knows what he is doing. Ether 12:6 says its not until after the trial of our faith that we gain knowledge, experience, and growth. nothing easy has ever made someone grow. I love and miss y'all and next week I will be writing you from Mobile, Alabama! All is well!

Elder Welch

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