First Week in Mobile, Alabama

 As many of you already know I heard the news Monday that I was being transferred to the Mobile (mo-beel), Alabama Ward. I was ready for the change but the people in Fox Run have been and will continue to be missed so much. They raised me in being a missionary, my first 3 baptisms were there, and it was just an awesome ward! Monday and Tuesday I said my goodbyes to the people there and the hardest one by far being the Porter family. I had grown so close to them since they lived around the corner from us and since we taught Cody over there. I love that family! I packed throughout those 3 days and the amazing thing was I got those airtight bags to pack with and I was able to pack everything into one suitcase.  I would recommend those to anyone! I was impressed with myself. Wednesday came around and it was a really really hard day for me. I hadn't felt that way since I left home 4.5 months ago. I may or may not have cried when I said my goodbyes to Elder Nelson and then off I went.

I love Mobile! It is what I pictured when I thought of the south. Pensacola seemed more like it was westernized but I have finally made it to the south so that is nice! I drove into Mobile and met my companion Elder Clayton who I am training. That is a hard task already on my hands other than having to learn a new area. I absolutely love that kid though! He is just like me. He loves sports, music, and his Great Great Great Grandfather actually wrote "Come Come Ye Saints".  I live in a two story apartment which is awesome and we drive a minivan. It is an all driving area which is awesome especially with winter coming up!

We have one investigator whose name is Angie who is pretty solid. She has gotten her answer but every time she gets it she seeks to find something wrong about the church. What is really frustrating is that she has a returned missionary husband who is trying to talk her out of it because he is less active and does not want to change. We don't meet with her for another week and a half and are really trying to feel out the Spirit on how to solve her problem. So prayers would be awesome!  Two fun stories for this week actually both happened yesterday. All of our plans fell through around 7:00 and it was really dark, so we went and saw some potentials. We had plans to go contact this referral we had so we went and no one was home so we walked away and then all of the sudden he comes out and calls to us. Elder Clayton shoots up the stairs to go talk to him but I knew a little better than to run at someone haha. I see him hiding a gun under his shirt and he pulled it out and just left it by his side so we knew it was there. Then when he knew who we were he calmed down and put it away...super scary though! We knocked on a few doors and then were walking to the next place and I felt that we needed to be done.  I figured that the house we were going to would be the last...we walked about 200 more yards and we hear barks and these 2 massive pitbulls come out and start chasing us. Elder Clayton and I were both just laughing so hard and they only chased us for about 200 feet. I don't believe that was the prompting I felt.  I believe that that was another prompting to go in for the night, so we did.

  This week with transfers has been the most physically, mentally, and spiritually tiring thing I have done in about 4 months. Not to add that I am now training but I have grown so much and have had fun the whole week while doing the hard things. I’m just going to testify of missionary work this week. We all know the plan of salvation and the big things we have to do. God knows what is going to happen even though we might not. With that being said EVERYONE in their life whether they be your friends, coworkers, or family will be prepared to receive the gospel sometime in their life. Be bold and obedient and share the gospel! Angels will be there to bear you up and help you share the message we have to share. I know the gospel is true! I love and miss y’all and hope all is well back home. God has a plan for all of us! Even plan B's if the first time didn’t work.

All is well

Elder Welch

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