Assigned as a District Leader - 6 Month Mark

 Well all of y'all know of the news coming up, me calling home, 6 months, and district leader. Its an exciting part of the year for missionary families. In YM yesterday they were talking about their quorum unity and a question got brought up that asked when they felt that their families have felt unified. The first thing that popped into my head was not what i was expecting but it was when I was leaving and getting dropped off at the MTC. I would say even though our family is spread across the country we are unified in the things that we are doing, just a cool interesting thought.


   These weeks just seem like they have gotten faster and faster, especially the past three! On Monday we didn't do much except played basketball for like four hours straight, I was so exhausted by the end of it! We had district meeting on Tuesday and had our tradeoff with the district leader and his companion. Elder Clayton stayed in Mobile with the district leader, Elder Buhler. I went over to Lucedale, Mississippi to go with Elder Ogilvie! I have now been to 3 of the 4 states in the mission, Only Georgia is left. We didn't do anything too exciting, went and saw some less actives, knocked some doors, and that's about it. I loved talking to him though, he is a super good and cool missionary, he is from St. George and only has 5 months to go! For dinner over in Lucedale we went to a members house. She was pretty old and losing her hair and Elder Ogilvie warned me of it. i was actually pretty scared to eat there but as I ate I didn't find one hair in my food so i came out good....or I never saw them.


   Wednesday and Thursday Elder clayton and I had to bike a little bit because we munched a ton of our miles with tradeoffs and we have to go to Pensacola next week for our half mission conference. Biking is not my favorite thing but I gotta  do what I gotta do! We were biking and needed a break so we stopped at a members house to talk with them for a little bit and I found out the best news I've heard in a long time...WE HAVE A PAPA MURPHYS in Mobile! I knew that this was the promised land in the mission. Friday we have set up basketball every week and a lot of less actives and nonmembers come and it has been an awesome way to share the gospel in a non threatening way. The sisters got their investigator to come and after that night he had a BCD, we also gave a Book of Mormon to a non member so it was a total success!


   As far as investigators go we have seen a lot of success in the past few weeks! Patrick has been having a problem with Joseph Smith and his family as we have talked about in recent emails. he came to church this Sunday and just handed me a piece of paper with writing on it and said to read about it in my studies so i was freaking out the whole time at church! Once we got home I opened the piece of paper to see questions he had about what he read, i was so relieved and am so proud of him, he works so hard! He then texted us at the devotional and said all of his questions had been answered in church plus his testimony of the prophet joseph. I love inspiration. Then his next text to us was he was trying to get his mom to come to his baptism which told us he is still working on his mom and that he is set for his baptism on the 28th! I love how the Lord helps us out in the work...he makes it so much easier!  We also taught Rick Wells(sis wells husband) the restoration of the gospel. It was one of the hardest lessons I've ever had to teach and is the lesson that I have felt most inspired in and led by the spirit in, i gave promised blessings that I never have praying the Lord is on my side in the one! He is having a hard time grasping organized religion but he will come eventually if he starts to read and pray.


    This week has been such a blessing to me and I really have seen how i have grown. i have been called as a district leader over 3 ward/12 missionaries in Mobile and pray that the inspiration i felt in Rick's lesson will be with me in my district meetings and when giving counsel to my district. This week I want to talk about obedience and repentance. If we look at the gospel of Jesus Christ we know that those two things are key but they mean nothing without diligence in those things. The gospel of Jesus Christ is an on going cycle just like repentance is. If we are obedient without being diligently obedient are we doing anything for ourselves and are we even really being obedient? That's why Christlike attributes are so important! They have there reasons behind it rather than just being like Christ. have an awesome week and know I love y'all! all is well.

Elder Welch

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