Investigators are Progressing

What a week! I have never been so tired in my whole life, not physically like as in running a marathon but mentally, spiritually, and sleepy wise. I can't imagine how tired Joseph Smith would have been when he saw angels, its spiritually draining! This week also has seemed like a blur, I don't know why time has been flying by so fast recently. I've been a little stressed this whole week with all that I have to do but it is a growing experience that I need. On Monday we did a regular p-day stuff and helped the zone leaders get transfers figured all out.

 On Tuesday we had our last district meeting where we all bore our testimonies and it was a really spiritual experience, it was sad to see the two elders go but we will see them tomorrow at half mission conference so it'll be fine! Wednesday we had to let the zone leaders use our van for transfers so we took there car and one other elder that was waiting for his companion and he spent the day with us. We wanted to do some service in the area so we went and got signed up with the Red Cross and hopefully that'll lead to some good things. Once all of the other missionaries got here we took the other elder back and I got to meet the new elders in the district and one of them is blind! It is actually super cool, he isn't 100% blind but he still needs a walking stick, I get to go on a tradeoff with him next month. On Friday we got a new investigator named Joey. He's been an investigator before and has been taught all of the lesson but he has a Catholic family he is scared of offending. The way he came back in contact with us is he had just recently gotten surgery and was in a lot of pain and his brother in law gave him a blessing which he said helped out so much so he is ready to take the next step...again.  He also said he would get baptized if Auburn won so it's meant to be! Patrick had the same problem with the family so we will bring him over to our lessons to see if that could solve some problems for Joey. Speaking of Patrick...he is so solid! He is more devoted than most members I know, I love it. Rick came to church yesterday which was nice but it seems like he doesn't have the desire yet, his wife is just pushing him into it. It'll come. This week I got a random text from my mission mom (President Smith's wife) and she asked me if I could sing at the half mission conference so that is another thing that will be fun but definitely adds to the stress level, I'm singing Josephs lullaby by Mercy Me.

     I honestly have no idea about what I want to talk about for a spiritual message at the end but ill just see what comes out! The enabling power of the atonement has really helped me not only recently but a lot in my whole life. I've thought back a lot on my permission status and realize more and more each day not how well I prepared myself for my mission but how well the Lord prepared me for my mission. He needed to suffer so he could succor. I believe that it has been a big problem in the world today that don't know about this enabling power. That's why in general conference it talked a lot about people having a hard time and people with depression. Use that power. Love and miss y'all! all is well

 Elder Welch

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