First Christmas in the Mission - Patrick's Baptism

 This week kind of seems like a blur, it seems like it went by fast but it also seems like I talk to y'all like 3 weeks ago haha. It really was nice talking to and seeing you, what missionaries say is the time from December to may just flies by, I guess we will just see. I only have 3.5 transfers until I hit my year mark, isn't it just crazy?!

   What a better week to have all the blessings a missionary can get than Christmas? On Tuesday was my very first district meeting as the district leader and I honestly was shaking in my boots! As I had been looking over the numbers and talked to each set of missionaries I heard a lot about having a hard time in their finding efforts so I talked about using the talents got has given us to share the gospel (DC 60:2-3). This week the district really stepped up and set a goal for 10 new investigators to find and we did exactly that, The Lord blesses those who follow the counsel of their leaders, whether it be the district leader or the Prophet, both get revelation for what they are over.

Wednesday was Christmas so we got up and did our studies which of course were not very easy to focus on but I did it. We then opened the presents that our families had sent us and then went out and tried to work the best we could but of course no one wanted us to come to their house on that day of the year so it was a hard day. Finally 6 o'clock arrived and I got to go over to the Doles house to skype my family, we did it on an XBox 1 and it was awesome, such a good camera! it was really nice to hear and talk to my family since it has been since June that I have heard from them.

 Saturday we had Patrick's baptism and it was so good! He was excited for it and his mom who has been against the whole thing actually came to it. Patrick was happy with his decision and was confirmed the next day by Bishop Jordan, i knew it was an inspired blessing because I knew the problems that Patrick had been having. Other Investigators that we have met with this week...Matt was a referral from the sisters and he is so solid, he has studied almost every religion but thinks that there is something about this one, we cant wait for our next lesson with him! Scott, George, Joey, and Jermaine haven't progressed any since I've last talked about them and that is the area that Elder Clayton and I have been trying to focus on recently, progressing our investigators. I also sang in church on Sunday (one voice) and i felt i did well and got a lot of compliments on that.

     This week has been an awesome week but it seemed like yesterday the Lord wanted to humble Elder Clayton and I a bit because of how much success we've seen come from this area, we went to so many houses and had so many appointments but they all fell through. We have to be thankful for those times of opposition or else we wouldn't have the happy times. I love and miss y'all and hope that 2014 treats everyone well, set personal goals on how to become better.

Elder Welch

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