Remember How You Feel

 Oh boy oh boy, t minus 2 days until we talk, I'm freaking out over here! The Dole's house is really small so they will all be in the same room basically, it'll be weird. I hope you enjoy the gifts I sent and that Christmas week will be an awesome one, homesickness hasn't struck me mostly because it feels like September here haha.

    I feel like I have said this every week but its true, this week has flown by! On Tuesday we had our half mission conference in Fox Run! It was really nice to be back in my "birth place" and to see a few people from that ward. President Smith talked to us about how being obedient shows our love to the Savior not only in this Christmas season but throughout the whole year, he also set apart his new counselors for the mission. Sister Smith then took over and had set up a Devotional where missionaries sang about Christmas and she shared stories from Christmas, that is where I sang my solo "Josephs Lullaby." Our van broke down on the way there and had to get that fixed on Wednesday so we weren't able to do much then! As district leader I wanted to give the district a little more motivation to work out in the mornings since no one likes to and its a little chilly at 6:30 so I started "the biggest loser" competition, everyone loves the idea and it'll be really fun! This week I have had to plan for district meeting that I have to teach tomorrow and that will be my first district meeting I will ever teach but they will be a weekly thing so might as well get use to it, right? As a district leader I have to go on all of the tradeoffs and I started doing those this week. On Saturday I went up to Saraland with a newer missionary, Elder Leishman to help him start learning how to run his area and see how he was doing, it was a fun tradeoff. Saturday night we had a crazy southern storm and it lasted through all of Sunday and even still kind of raining....Mobile and Seattle battle for the rainiest city in the country so it rains a lot here! On Sunday I had the tradeoff with one of the zone leaders, Elder Butterfield. I stayed in my area for that one and it was a learning experience for me, I'd even go to the extent of saying a humbling experience, its what we need every once and a while. As far as investigators go Patrick has already planned his baptism out so he is set in stone for this weekend, a cool thing is that I will be singing in church the day he gets confirmed! All other investigators haven't really had anything big happen or changes. The sisters had a solid investigator who they have been working with but this week he texted them and said that he likes one of them so we had to take over on teaching him, I felt bad for taking their solid one but it is kind of nice honestly haha. We did find a new investigator on our own though! Elder Clayton and I were driving and he saw a lady putting up lights so he stopped and all of a sudden turns around to get help her, he was so inspired to do it too! After we got done helping her I played ball with her grandson and talked to him a little bit about church and Elder Clayton talked to her. She recently had lost a daughter and was praying for guidance on how to cope with it, the Lord sent us, big surprise right?! We talked about the plan of salvation and have a return appointment with her tomorrow!

   This week I want to expound on something that I have been trying to live by recently. "Remember how you feel."  Remembering how you felt when you gained your testimony, remember how you felt when you feel the spirit so you can tell for next time it happens, remember how you feel when you are doing things you aren't suppose to be doing. This is how we gain desire behind a lot of the things that we do and have our testimony shape our life. Merry Christmas this week and remember how you feel this time of the year and incorporate it into the rest of the year. Love and best wishes! All is well

   Elder Welch

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