Welcoming in the New Year

 I cannot believe 2013 is already over, half of 2013 spent here in the mission field has just flown by! I have a lot of my thoughts that I want to explain in this letter from this past week so the information on what has actually happened will be slim. This past week we went out with Pat once and then he left out of town, we got a text from him Thursday that said "are medicated drugs against the word of wisdom?" A little confused but figured he was just asking it because he is studying pharmacy I said no. The very next text we receive from him he explains that he was in Tampa and his cousins were teaching him to play hockey and he broke his wrist, he was on some pretty heavy drugs but is back in town today and is doing well!  

  A problem that the area we are in right now has is getting investigators to progress, we have a ton of them but none of them seem to want to do what we ask them to, we've tried everything. Elder Clayton and I have fasted about it and have seen the Lord strengthen our investigators just over the past 24 hours, its been a district problem too but I will explain that a little later in the letter.  A few funny stories from the week is we were filling up with gas and Elder Clayton and I were just coming out to the gas station and this guy stops us out of the door and says "do y'all have something you want to tell me" We were caught off guard but that it was awesome. We tell him a little something and then he tells us his friends need to hear it so at this point Elder Clayton and I are pumped but then this happens...he all of a sudden goes quiet and then looks to us and says "do you hear that?" we say no then he said "that's a cry." By this time Elder Clayton and I are kind of weirded out but decide to go to his apartment anyway. Right as we are pulling out of the driveway I look at him and he slaps himself! I was so confused...we teach him about the Book of Mormon and as you can tell he was super high on who knows what...not going back there! Another thing that happened is we were tracting and oyming (street contacting) and stopped to talk to a random guy, he invited us in which never happens so once again we were stoked! We found out that he had read the Book of Mormon and the Pearl of Great Price and basically held us captive and bashed us for who knows how long...probably 30 minutes...he said he was going to convert us.

        Like I said this week has been really really hard for me. Not really as far as the work goes but more of spiritually and emotionally for me. I have been overwhelmed with being a district leader for a few reasons. I have exactly 1/2 of the zone in my district and I think its the biggest district in the mission but I'm not sure of that part but anyways I'm super super busy with that. Like I said progressing investigators have been a problem in not only our area but in the whole district so I have been trying to know what to teach for district meeting, I don't have the answers for progressing investigators! I have had such a strong testimonies of leaders and how the Lord qualifies them, even a simple little young district leader. I have fasted and prayed on it and I pray district meeting will go great tomorrow! I have found a lot of peace in a few things I've studies on this week. One scripture that came to mind as I was teaching an investigator was in James where it says "draw near unto me, and I will draw near unto you" We know god is a just god and will keep his side of the promise so all we have to do is draw near unto him, how do we do that? john 14:15. i love what my mom sent me that said "because I am grateful, I will be good." Another one is about the golden rule "One should treat others as one would like others to treat them." I believe that is divine as well. If you do well to god, keep his commandments, and "treat him well", he will treat you well. In thinking of the investigators we have and them not progressing and really just the southern state of mind that all churches are of god I want to share what I have thought about. A lot of Mormons get a bad wrap for saying we know our church is true, I don't understand why it is so foreign to other churches, why would anyone go to a church that they don't think is the only true church? I know my church is true and I'm going to give everyone some advice that is searching for truth, Mormon or non-Mormon. Its fine if you don't believe the Mormon church to be true, but if you don't think yours is either you might want to start looking, seriously. Christ not only set up a gospel but he also set up a church. James 1:5 Love and miss y'all. all is well!

Elder Welch

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