Patrick Receives the Priesthood

 What a crazy week, not crazy because it was so busy but because it was so slow, I never thought it was possible for so many people not to answer the door. Opposition in all things and we have those times to enjoy the good and to learn. Heavenly Father makes our situations uncomfortable to get out attention and he needed Elder Clayton's and my attention this week for some reason. Learn what we can and go on with faith! With this week being slow there is not much to write about but I do have a few things.

    On Tuesday we went out to Semmes and I taught district meeting which I felt went well and then I had a tradeoff with Elder Lovell, he is missionary that came out with my trainer; Elder Foster; and is night blind and has 20/200 vision, so what we see from 200 feet away he can see from 20. It was really cool to see how he runs his life and how much of a blessing it is just simply to have sight. He is walking faith though, he trusts anything you say because he depends on you to know where to go. This week I hit my 7 month mark and along with that a lot of missionaries hit a "wall" where it is hard to press on but it is gone and it honestly wasn't even that bad, time is just flying and I am loving it!

    We didn't see any of our investigators this week but we did meet with our recent convert Patrick! He broke his arm last week and I was able to give him a blessing with that, he looked like he was in a lot of pain but he is still doing awesome! On Saturday he went to get his priesthood interview and then went to a YSA dance, he said he enjoyed it! On Sunday he received the priesthood and is now a priest. I am so proud of him and honestly i just miss teaching him, not many people don't get to teach someone like him in their mission. Elder Clayton and I went to the CES devotional last night and it was just amazing! If those of you reading this haven't watched it, watch it, make time! 

I love the gospel, I love my mission, I love the Savior, and I love this work. I was reading in 2 Nephi 28:25 the other day and my heart dropped but it doesn't apply to this so I will still say it. All is Well! Love and miss y'all

Elder Welch

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