First week with as a Zone Leader

    The past couple of weeks I talked about how fast time was flying, and it really was. This week the brakes were slammed on! I think it is because of all of the new changes. Getting a new companion and serving in a new area is some of the hardest things you will do on missions. Elder Hadden and I knew each other pretty well before this transfer but it is always different when you have to spend 24/7 with someone. Elder Hadden and I get along really well we just have to get use to living with someone different and learning how to teach with one another. The new area I am in is a lot smaller than the last so learning it wont take too long, I am still working on the names of people though, it'll all come within the next week or two! As far as being a zone leader goes, this past week was pretty busy but I think it will be getting busier. We have 3 tradeoffs this week and are actually travelling up to the top of the stake (Atmore, Al) tonight to go to a district meeting up there tomorrow and then doing a tradeoff with the district leader, Elder Parsons, I will be staying up there with him. The next two tradeoffs this week will be awesome! Elder Clayton will be coming down and I will have a tradeoff with him and then the next day I will go to Mobile South again to have a district leader tradeoff then.

  We taught a few lessons this week but I don't have too much to say on it because I don't know these people yet. We had a really good one last night though. We went to Prichard to teach this lady the restoration and it was a really powerful lesson, Elder Hadden committed her to baptism on the 12 of April. The story about here and why she is searching for God is because her son got shot in the head a few months ago and it just all of a sudden hit her that she needed to find out why she is here on earth because we can be gone any day, anytime.

  This week I wanted to talk about trials. I felt like I have been thrown in the deep end this week but I'm finally learning how to swim. Certain trials only come and go once in a lifetime but what we learn from them should stay. Growing pains are painful but once we are done we can see from a higher level. I would not pray for trails if i were you, just pray that you will learn the things that God needs you to do and then pray for strength. Make sure you study a lot because once you are thrown in that deep end you'll need an oxygen tank that'll last you for a while. Love and miss you. All is getting better! All is Well!

Elder Welch

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