Assigned as Zone Leader - New Companion Elder Hadden

 What a week! The week right before we find out about transfers is always a really long week, just because I am kind of impatient and want to know what is in store! This transfer I got called to be a Zone Leader for the Mobile Stake with Elder Hadden. I love my new companion! Elder Clayton got transferred to Saraland, Alabama. We both are still in the same ward together and district, just different areas.  It’s a little weird but it’ll actually be really nice, I hate goodbyes! There will be two new Elders coming into Mobile South to replace Elder Clayton and me. I know both of them, they will be great for the area. We felt that it would be a good thing for a white wash, we didn’t know what to do with the area anymore.  


     This week we went on two tradeoffs. One with an Elder that is going home this week, Elder Shepherd. He is from Canada and he is the smartest man I have ever met in my life, as far as the gospel goes! I learned a lot and really enjoyed the tradeoff, it was in Semmes, Alabama.  My other tradeoff was with Elder Milne, this was one of the funniest days of missionary work I’ve ever had in my life!  I stayed in Mobile South but he was just one of those missionaries that makes everything fun! It has been a great week of tradeoffs.


   As far as investigators go, we weren’t able to find all that many of them this week. We have found two, Marchello (yes we found him in the ghetto) and Tori! We weren’t able to have a sit down lesson with them yet but have appointments set up for this next week. I have a great next week in store! Tomorrow I have my last district meeting, Wednesday I finish packing, and Thursday I will head over to the Mobile North apartment. I also get to go on the transfer van which means I get to go to Pensacola for the day!


    I feel like every time I get a new calling in the mission it is a great humbling experience for me. I’ve been able to learn and grown a lot from being a District Leader and I hope that I grow just as much from being a Zone Leader.  Elder Hadden has many qualities that I want and I hope that being with him rubs off on me!

I love ya’ll and hope all is well!

Elder Welch

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