Speaking at Mobile Stake Conference with President Smith


This week was pretty fun, we got to spend a whole weekend with president smith because of stake conference. Like i told ma i had to speak at conference but ill explain that more in the part to everyone else. I also had the opportunity to have an interview with president smith, I don't want everyone to know this so this is why i am just telling it to the family. I walked into the interview and he talked about how he doesn't usually call zone leaders as young of a missionary i am. He then told me that I am a missionary that he completely trusts which he said that there are few missionaries that have his full trust so that was nice. THEN he told me that i was the type of caliber of missionary as Elder Norton and Wilkey(one an AP and one who was a zone leader for 16 months), basically talked me up. After my head deflated a little bit i felt an overwhelming burden of having to live up to those expectations but its all good, that show the interview went!

 Boy is this transfer flying by! Just starting out at the beginning of the week...Tuesday we went on a tradeoff and I went with Elder Nelson (not my old companion). He is really shy and quiet but a good Elder.  He is basically white washing the area because his companion is blind. The next day when Elder Hadden picked me up he told me two things; first that him and I have to teach at the mission leadership counsel, in front of all of the zone leaders and sister trainers. Second, that I get to speak at stake conference! Mission leadership counsel isn’t until next week but stake conference was this past weekend. I spoke on how the youth of the stake can hit the ground running once they get into the mission field, it went really well! Friday I went on a tradeoff with one of my favorite people in the entire zone, Elder Milne! We had our interviews that day too so we didn’t have too much time to proselyte, it was a great tradeoff! As far as our investigators go, we have 2 that are doing really well. Our first one; Rock, is our maintenance guy at the Carondolet apartments and if he wasn’t on parole he would definitely be getting baptized. Our next one is Keisha, she is someone that Elder Hadden and Elder Lovell tracted into while I was in Semmes. She has had an abusive life and is pretty spiritually strong. She has kept all of our commitments so it should just be a matter of time.
Something that the mission is working a lot on is family history, 15% of people that have ever lived are living now. That means 85% are on the other side. When the Lord hastens His work He hastens it on both sides of the veil. It’s the last days for the Spirit world too.
Much love, all is well! Do family history! 

Elder Welch

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