1 Year Mark

  I'm sad and grateful all at the same time to say that I have hit my year mark. Sad because half of my mission is gone and boy did it go fast! Grateful because of all that I have been able to experience in this year, it has been amazing! Ill explain more of how that day went down a little later in the email. This week was the last week of the super stressful transfer but boy was it fun the past three weeks! We started our week off by having our zone training! Elder Wright and I had so much to cover and not enough time...even though the meeting is 3 hours long! President and Sister Aukema of the mission presidency came to speak to us and they did a great job talking on unity. Over all it was a good meeting with a lot of insight from all of the Elders in the zone. We had a tradeoff scheduled that day to go to the clear top of our zone with the Toxey Elders. i have been in branches before but i have never seen so many small towns in my life! They literally just have like 10 towns with like 1,000 people or less in them. I praise those elders with all of the work they do with so little people. While we were up there we did some service for this couple(mowing a lawn)...I will reference that later in the letter. I also found out that the guy who came up with the energizer bunny commercials and the happy cows commercials is from that little town of all places too. The things you find out when you are in the south...it's amazing!

   Thursday was my companion's and my year mark. First of all I don't feel any older, second of all it was just an ordinary proselyting day that we had. That evening however is when the party began! We are allowed to have an hour for dinner so at 8 o'clock we went home and invited the other elders in our complex to come eat with us(it was the missionary's 6 month mark that week too). A tradition in missionary life to burn a tie at 6 months, a shirt at a year, pants at 18, and a suit at 2 years. I had a shirt with a stain on it so i couldnt have thought of a better way to get rid of it! Look at the pictures I sent to see how all of that went down, it was really fun.

   We traded off with mobile south that same night and Elder Truman from St. George came with me in north, he's a stud, I can definitely see him as a zone leader in the future. So kind of a tangent but it is needed to tell the next story correctly..It's been blazing hot down here and it has also been humid so mosquitoes have been munching me all up!  When I woke up that next morning my leg itched and i thought it was a mosquito bite so i itched it but i felt what i thought was a scab hanging halfway off. As i looked closer I realized that I had a stinkin tick. I was so annoyed with it but I think it was from that service i talked about up in Toxey. I was working on that thing from 6:30 to 8! Its all good now though.

  On Saturday for some reason was just not my day, i honestly don't remember anything but 1 big thing happening that day that just didn't sit well with me. We had to drop Rock because he has just lost too much steam from him not being able to be baptized. I was so upset, that was the last thing that i wanted to do here in mobile, he was progressing so well! Don't let discouraging things kill you forever!

  All in all it was a great week with a lot of fun things that happened. I am grateful beyond belief for all that has happened in this short year and cannot wait for the next to come. All is well and I'm lovin every second of it!

Elder Welch

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