Fun MLC in Tallahassee


  I remember thinking at the beginning of last week that I had had a really hectic week and that this week it was going to slow down. Yes I got a lot done and had a lot of fun doing it but have I slowed down at all? Nope! I am thankful that I am staying busy though. It is always better to have too much to do rather than not enough. On Tuesday we got up and were able to have a personal study (even though it wasn't much of a study because we were so excited about our trip to Tallahassee) and then we set of to pick up the south zone leaders and the Pensacola zone leaders. When we leave mobile we have to get onto a huge bridge to get to Daphne. As we got on that bridge we made it about 50 feet off of the on ramp and then hit a dead stop. Obviously I planned for extra traffic time but this was not the most ideal way to start the trip off. The jam only lasted for about 30 minutes and then we were home free! Since we are the furthest zone from Tallahassee we had about 5 hours of driving before we got there. Once we got there we played a bunch of games with the sister trainers, zone leaders, the assistants, and president and sister smith. We got to have a fire and have a testimony meeting around it as well, it was an amazing experience. The next day we had the Mission leadership council which goes from about 9-3 and there we were able to get a ton of good insight on how we can be not only hard workers but smart workers.

   Once we got back to Mobile we were able to get back to work! Darius Jones has been a huge highlight for us recently. He has been progressing beautifully! His date next month looks like it will go through as long as he keeps on doing the things that he is now. Rock has lost a lot of steam since we told him he cant be baptized right off the back and we got an ear full on Monday about it from him in his lesson. We were able to stay calm and try and help him realize why, today will be a make or break meeting, keep him in your prayers.

   Elder Wright has had quite a week as well. I'm not sure how many of you have seen the "not top 10" on ESPN but he has had many of his not top 10 moments this week and I wanted to share a few of them with you, i have a few pictures to show. First off we cut our hair on Monday and last week was the week he needed to. Us missionaries don't have the most money in the world so we usually cut it ourselves and he has been doing that for the past year. As he was in the bathroom cutting it and i was writing some of your letters I heard a scream from him in the bathroom. I got up to see what the problem was and has i looked at him everything seemed to be just fine..then he turned around. He was trimming around the edges of his neck when i guess a hickup came and the clippers went about half way up his head. I had to help him taper it the best i could but it was still about to the middle of his ears. he was a great sport, it cracked me up. The second thing he did was during a lunch hour. Elder Wright likes to experiment with the things he eats. We had bought a bag of fries and were going to eat some of them but just like any other westerner would do we wanted to eat it with fry sauce!(no they dont have fry sauce here, crazy I know...the don't even know what it is) i was content with the normal mayo and ketchup but he wanted to go further so he started searching out our spices. He saw the cayenne pepper and he went for it. Like most old spices in missionary apartments..he thought it was caked so he put his finger over the lid and attempted to shake it up. Next thing i know the lid goes flying as well as about 1/4 of the cayenne in the bottle. It goes all over the kitchen, up his nose, in his eyes, but luckily not on me. he was a great sport and was trying to chuckle the best that he could but couldn't help but cry. I may not have been the best companion at first because i just started laughing like crazy! I must have been rolling on the floor for a good 2 minutes. I believe the best part of it all was his face. I had to make up for my laughter by cleaning it for him while he was in the shower. He was burning for a few hours after that but is all normal now. the last thing that happened to him was nothing that he did but something that happened to him. we had a tradeoff in Lucedale, Mississippi and elder wright went there and i stayed in our area. When we came back to pick him up his hand was twice the size that it was due to a spider bite(its back to normal now.) all of these things combined just made it not the best week in the world for him.

   I know the church is true, we have prophets today, I know not only missions change lives but also missionary work in general. Love y'all! all is well

Elder Welch

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