Torn Ligament - Last Week in Mobile

 Monday seems like it was so long ago thinking about the things that I want to write about. First off I wanted to talk about something that effected the rest of my week. On Monday we as a mobile ward group of missionaries always play basketball. We had been playing for about an hour and were about to start another game. Right before we started I was just shooting around and decided to shoot it from the other side of the gym. I missed. As it was bouncing back to me and with it being the world cup i thought that I should try being a little bit of soccer star. I threw my left foot up to kick with with the outside of that foot(just like I would if I was walking right next to someone and could kick them in the butt). I kicked the ball but it didn't go anywhere, it just stayed in that crevice of my foot. As I fell I tried to catch myself with my right foot but couldn't get my foot planted firmly on the ground(just the inside of my foot was). I heard a loud pop and then it didn't feel all that good right after that. My first thought was that I had just dislocated my big toe. I felt my foot as saw that everything was in line so I took my shoe off and it was already bruising and blowing up like balloon. For those of you that know me, I don't really bruise all that well. The worst of all of that bruising came Tuesday night and it was just really stiff and had a gnarly bruise on it the rest of the week. Once I finally went to the doctor on Wednesday and they X-rayed it they told me that i had torn a ligament. Fun stuff huh! It doesn't hurt all that much anymore, just annoying to walk and hurts my knees to walk all weird. I just need to count my blessings because I really should have dislocated my knee!

  We had 3 tradeoffs this week. The first of all of them was our tradeoff with Elder McPherson, one of the assistants. I love that kid, he is super cool and such a good missionary. We were able to meet with the high counselor over missionary work with him there and we taught a really good lesson. I had another one with the Elder Pearson who serves in Atmore. That guy that talked to dad a few months ago in church saying that someone he knew was in the same mission as I was, the missionary he was talking about is Elder Pearson. He is from Panaca. Another cool thing that we found out that we were given our patriarchal blessings the exact same day as each other back in February of 2009. Who would have thought of that huh?! All in all this was a lot better week for us , I'm really pleased with how all of it turned out. Darius is still on our radar but we had to drop his baptismal date for now, he just hasn't seen the gospel as much of a priority right now, he'll come around!

   My mission has been so good for me. It has been weird to be in the beginning of my second year in the mission thinking back to how far i have come from a year ago. I have a firm testimony now that people do not change, the gospel of Jesus Christ changes people. We have had our personalities since before we came to the earth and those will never leave us. I am the same "Landon" that left a year ago personality wise but my goals, values, and attributes have become more firm. I have been changed, conversion is a real thing. If you want to change for the better you can not doing it without it lasting unless it is done through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Love and miss y'all

All is well

Elder Welch

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