President Asking Me to Serve as Assistant to President


Boy oh boy what a week it has been! Monday after I was done emailing shaped all of it so I will start there. Since y'all heard about my wonderful accident two weeks ago with tearing a ligament in my foot we had arranged to get myself a boot last Monday. With how crazy it was with arranging that I was in contact with the mission office a lot that day so when President Smith's name popped up on my phone it didn't shock me all that much, I just figured it was about my foot. As I answered the phone he did exactly that, asked me about my foot, how I was doing, and if I was going to be coming to the mission leadership council that Wednesday. It is only my toe so I told him of course I would be coming to the council. Then he hit me with it....he said "will you have your bags packed for me when you come on Wednesday?" I was somewhat confused until he told me he was calling me to be the new assistant to the president and that he wanted me there to help him with figuring out transfers. The big thing was that he told me I couldn't tell anyone because transfers were for another week or so. I thought that the people in Mobile would catch on super quickly with all of the hints that were thrown out but I guess the Lord didn't want them knowing either. Once i actually left word went around pretty quickly. 

  I absolutely love my new companions; Elder McPherson and Elder Musgrave. They are some of the funniest people I have ever met. It will be sad when Elder Musgrave goes home in two weeks. We have only done 1 hour of proselyting since Wednesday because of all of the administrative work that was going on.  I am thankful for the call, I am thankful for my companions, I love being around them, I love being around "the keys"(president) so much and to see how he works...brilliant man! Know that all situations we are put in are for us, our learning, our understanding, and people that we will need to help in the future. Learn everything now! love and miss y'all.

All is well. If you need my to my ma!

Elder Welch

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