Welcoming Elder Wright to Mobile


  What a crazy week it has been. Tuesday and Wednesday of this week flew by because we had so much to do before Elder Hadden left on Thursday. We had a full day on Tuesday, not even enough time to do our studies all of the way through! I had to get the travel arrangements done for transfers and south zones which wasn't all that bad. When my life started to get extremely busy is when Thursday came around. I had to get the cars there, make sure everyone else was there, they had all of their stuff and make sure them and their luggage fit. On the way back it was even crazier though because I didn't have Elder Hadden. It was a tough goodbye but that kid will go on to do some amazing things in his life! 

  I met up with Elder Wright who is almost the same as he was in the MTC (personality wise) so i was happy about that, he's a super funny guy. Throughout the last few days we had to come up with a focus that we wanted for the zone this coming transfer. I don't think I've ever talked about it but we have a really really young zone! I am the 3rd oldest one here, a lot of missionaries get trained here. With that being said we felt like it would be good to focus on teaching them a lot of the basics that they will need to be good at in order to be effective on the rest of their missions, I feel like it will all go really well. We had a conference call with the district leaders to talk about the focus and what they want to focus on in the coming transfer and we have really really good leaders here in the zone. As far as our investigators go, a lot of them have either progressed rapidly or just stayed the same which makes our job really easy on knowing who is prepared and who is not. Rock is the one that has been progressing but cant be baptized and ever since he has found out about that he has lost a lot of steam, we have a really good lesson we will teach him today that will hopefully give him a higher vision of what the lord is doing with him. Darius Jones in doing awesome! He is one of the members of the family we set a BCD (baptismal confirmation date) with and really the only one progressing right now, heh as just sky rocketed. His baptismal date is for July 12 and i believe that that will happen! A cool story from this week is that one night as we were planning we decided that we were going to go tract a certain street. As we came to that plan the next day and tracted most of the street we saw two boys playing kick ball. We gave them a picture of Christ and just moved on to more. Without any luck we decided it was time to go back to the car. On our way back one of the boys piped up and yelled..."you can go knock on my grandma's door" as he pointed to it. First off I don't know how we missed that door but we had a great conversation at the door and got a return appointment for this Friday. It shows that even if we make the effort and don't know what exactly to do the lord will make a way for us to accomplish his purposes! Yesterday we had a cottage meeting where we went over to a members home, assigned someone from the ward to give a talk on conversion, and invited as many investigators as the home would allow and it was AWESOME! I recommend it to everyone that owns a home. It changed not only the investigator but it gave the members a glimpse of what missionary work is like. I know the work is true, the more you give the more you get, and he always makes a way to accomplish his will. Much love, all is well!

 Elder Welch

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