Elder Foster goes home


  First off, I apologize if this is short, I have to go do transfers with President this week and it'll take a lot of time up so we are starting today. No promises on a letter this week either, I'll try though. Mondays seem to come faster and faster! This was a fantastic week, we have been blessed. On Tuesday we had a fantastic zone training, we have really fun zone leaders so we never know how material will be given to us but they always do a great job! I got to go on a trade-off with one of them, Elder Smellie afterwards too. Since Elder Foster left on Thursday he was also with us. It was weird seeing him going home, he birthed me into the mission and I killed him. 
  Wednesday we had some emergency transfers so we were traveling most of that day.  We then got to go to Elder Fosters last supper as a missionary, we went to Longhorns, it was so good! Thursday we went to the airport to drop off Elder Foster. We also had to run a few errands for President, weekly planned, and then went to play tennis with a family in our ward and Celine. That was a lot of fun...and y'all thought I was good at basketball! just kidding, I wasn't that good at all. 
  Friday was CRAZY! We had a trade-off with the Tallahassee 1 zone leaders and I was in their area. It was crazy because their area includes FSU campus so there were tons of young people everywhere. Everybody was hyped up because of the game on Saturday, which I heard was quite a doozy! I enjoyed it for 24 hours but it would have driven me crazy if I had to be around that stuff all of the time, as a missionary at least, cool experience. Saturday was the coastal cleanup, we went out by St. George Island and cleaned up the coast with a lot of people, for about 2 hours. Since Elder Zwick came to our mission we have been trying to follow a lot of his counsel and simplify and intensify so a lot of things are changing. The rest of the day we were trying to rework the excel sheet to make it easier on everybody, it's nice! 
  On Sunday we got a text that morning asking us if we could teach priesthood which was fine, but during gospel principles no teacher showed up so we got volunteered to give that lesson too. I know that a principle of the gospel is to make sure that we are prepared but we got a lot of extra help on that lesson because there was no time to prepare, it was a really good lesson. In coordination we talked a lot about social media being used to share the gospel. As missionaries we don't get a lot of opportunities to do that but everyone should start, its how the Lord is hastening his work #alliswell #loveyall #sharegoodness

    Elder Welch

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