General Conference Week

 What a joy board week is. We knew that this next week was going to be super hectic for President and Sister Smith and us assistants. Monday we had to get together and discuss some of the new logistics that Elder Zwick wanted us to implement for doing transfers so we got all of that nailed down. On Tuesday we actually started on the board and moving people around...we only have 4 missionaries leaving and 15 coming in so we had a hard time figuring out where exactly to put them, we only had a portion of it done that day. On Wednesday we didn't have anytime to actually work on the transfer board but we did go to MLC and have to relay a lot of the information onto the zone leaders about all of the changes because they will be taking head in a lot of the things that are changing. We discussed the new transfer which by the way they wont know where they will be transferred until Wednesday this week. All we did was call them last night and tell them to pack it up, it was kind of fun to do. The other thing changing is how we record the key indicators and miles travelled. Previously we would have to get all the numbers and input them, it was vary tedious, we now have a google drive page that they can do themselves. It was fun to make them on excel. 

  As far as our investigators go Celine has been doing fantastic! She wasn't having the best week until we met with her on Tuesday and watched "safety for the soul." you can always count on good ole Jeffy to give you a pick me up! We met with her once more on Thursday and talked about temples. It was inspired that she picked that topic to learn about because she went to the general women meeting and that is what it  was all about! She previously hadn't told her parents about being baptized and she finally told them this week. They were first accepting, then they showed some back lash on it a few days later. We get to go teach them on Wednesday to give the more of an understanding of what is going on. The baptism will be this Saturday and Ill be confirming her, I'm really excited. 

   What a blessing it will be to be able to listen to conference this week. With the technology that we have we will be basically sitting at the feet of prophets and apostles. My invitation would be to come to conference with a question in mind, apostles speak on what we need, if you're prepared you'll get the answer. Love y'all. All is well

  Elder Welch

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