Meeting Sister Baumeister


  What a fantastic week it has been here in the good ole FTM! This week has been full of adventures. Because we were going to be gone all week on tradeoffs we had to pack all of our appointments into the time we had on Tuesday. A recent convert we met last Sunday invited us to come by and start teaching her the new member lessons. She has a fantastic conversion story of how her daughter was an atheist and found the church and so she was interested too but a few weeks before both of them were suppose to be baptized her 17 year old daughter passed away, she is such a strong member. We met with Celine that day as well. we taught her half of lesson 4 and then addressed concerns with her, a lot of them were brought up at church too. She came to the singles ward with us and lucky for us there was a baptism happening after church there so she was able to come. She has been a little worried about telling her parents but she is so set on joining that she doesn't care what they say, she's so solid, i love it. She also has been getting a bad rap for even considering this church from her friends, growing up in the south would be tough. Wednesday we set off for Mobile to do some tradeoffs with them on the next day, I went with Elder Miller and elder Frederiksen. Friday I went with Elder Riddle in Pensacola, and Saturday I went with Elder Palau in Fort Walton. All in all it was a super busy week. 

    This week have been one of reflection and looking forward a bit too and with that I wanted to share a few things. First off make sure that you know where your testimony is centered and check if it is anchored, the world is getting nasty out there and things will get worse. On the subject of The Church. With being on a mission all missionaries get a bit of anti Mormon literature thrown at them but i have seen a lot of it with being in the south and this ties back to where the testimony lies. Peter denied Christ, Paul watched people kill Steven, and Judas sold Christ and yet they were still fantastic men called of god to do His work. Likewise Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, and Thomas S Monson have had their mess ups in life and are mortal, so what? If you know the Book of Mormon to be true then you know none of that matters and that this church is of God. Any of you that have been baptized, received the priesthood, been married in the temple, and especially gone on a mission I want you to ask yourselves a few questions. #1-Why was I baptized? #2-Have I ever received a witness from the Holy ghost that either the Book of Mormon is true, Joseph Smith is a Prophet of God, or that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day saints is true? To those that are reading this that may have gone inactive, been offended, or are just anti Mormon in general; if you said yes to any of those you think God lied to you? I think a lot of us have problems in this life with a number of things because we ourselves don't agree even if it may be the truth. There is a phrase that I would like to change and then have everyone apply...many may say to swallow our pride and move on, to that I say it is time to SPIT the pride out of ourselves and our society. The church is true. Everything in this life is a restoration of sorts whether it be the gospel to the earth in 1820, us trying to restore our wills to god, us trying to restore our perfect state we had, restoring our body to a perfect frame, and restoring ourselves once again with our families in heaven never to be separated again. In closing I want to remind us of something that will never lead us astray, and that is about the Holy ghost. I believe that we are always being prompted to act, what we need to do is be spiritually prepared to recognize and act according to those promptings. I love and miss y'all. All is well.

        Elder Welch

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