Elder Zwick MLC

    What a crazy week it has been, it went by so fast but Monday seems like it was so long ago! On Monday we went out to a huge park here in Tallahassee to play a huge football and sand volleyball game, it was so fun! We went out at about 1PM and left there at about 5PM so as you could imagine in August we were all super fried! I don't burn that bad at all but I even got a good little torching. Good thing was that I listened to good ole Grandma Nae and put some apple cider vinegar on there and the burn was gone! Tuesday we woke up at 6 and had to all drive to the middle of the mission before 9. We went for the mission leadership council with Elder Zwick of the first quorum of the seventy. That meeting was really powerful! I had to take minutes for the meeting and it felt like I was getting a drink from a fire hydrant and that my fingers couldn't type fast enough for all of the good stuff he was telling us, it was fantastic! After that meeting we had to bolt back to Tallahassee to watch a broadcast that night for the members that was at every meeting house, we didn't even get back to our apartments until like 10:15(approved)! 

   On Thursday we had an even better meeting for half mission. Every single talk had personal relevance to me at that time, I don't think I have ever had that happen before. I have had one or two hit me pretty hard but not a whole meetings worth. We taught Celine the Gospel of Jesus Christ this week as well as gave her a church tour. We still have a baptismal date with her on the twentieth and the only thing she said she was scared of is not being able to live up to the commitment, that is always a good fear when we hear some like those. Saturday we were going to have a tradeoff with the Tallahassee two zone leaders but we got a call that there was going to be an emergency transfer going on so we had to travel all the way out to Mobile and back that day. A wonderful week full of adventures and driving. We actually went over 3,000 miles this month, that is a lot for those missionaries out there that know the miles limitation rule. I love my mission and loved this week. Love and miss y'all. All is well

Elder Welch 

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