5 Week Transfer

   We have had such a great week! With this transfer being a week shorter we are a lot busier because we have to get everything done that we would have in a five week transfer. This was the only full proselyting week we had in our area so we enjoyed it while we had it. The first highlight of the week was definitely the district meeting we had on Tuesday. Since we now have our old district leader as our companion we got a new one. He is one of the missionaries that came in from Sierra Leone when they shut that mission down for Ebola. I don't think I have ever been to a better put together district meeting than that of Elder Rogers this week. On Wednesday we had our tradeoff with the Tallahassee 1 zone leaders. Elder Sorenson and I stayed in the area and Elder Peterson (that was in Mobile with me) came to our area. He's as solid of a missionary as ever. We even were able to find a bunch of kids playing basketball on the street and we played some 3 on 3 with them. They even came to the church on Saturday and we played basketball with them there too, next week when we do it we will give them a  church tour beforehand. .  

  On Saturday we had another tradeoff with the Tallahassee 2 zone leader, Elder McPherson and I stayed in the area and Elder Garn (who was my district leader in mobile) came with us. As far as investigators go we are just trying to find more. Celine is doing fantastic, she bore her testimony yesterday and is as happy as ever. Derrick has started to look up lately so hopefully he continues to progress. I've been able to ponder a lot this week during this time of the year for me and the only thing I wanted to share was how I believe we all have testimonies. Those come when we feel the spirit bearing testimony of a specific truth. Conversion comes from acting on those experiences. I hope we can all recognize when the spirit is telling us something. Our progression is stopped if we cant. Love and miss yall. All is well

  Elder Welch

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