Birthday Week! (20)


   What a week it has been! We have had a really busy schedule with this only being a 5 week transfer. On Tuesday we had our zone training, we learned a lot about unity and the things that we as missionaries can control, Elder Smellie and Elder Garn did a great job. We had an unexpected lockdown in the church during it too because of how bad the weather was and the conditions for tornados, it didn't last long and we are all safe. This last transfer we had a few new missionaries stay in the MTC for some extra time because of illness and after zone training we picked one of them up and he spent the next day and a half with us. 
   One Wednesday we only had about half of the day in Tallahassee because of having to travel to Fort Walton for tradeoffs, This week we scheduled the biggest chunk of our tradeoffs. The Fort Walton zone leaders are the only spanish set of zone leaders so it is kind of hard but we still make it work. I went with Elder Lovell and Elder Sorenson that day and we were actually in a lot of spanish lessons. I knew enough spanish and the lessons well enough to know where they were at but i didn't know the specifics of what they were saying or what the heck to say back..i just had an interpretor the whole day, it was kind of different but i really enjoyed it. We taught some dude from Peru and he was kind of bashy but Elder Lovell resolved whatever the concern about feeling useless in a lesson when your companion is getting bashed and you cant say a word haha. 
   The next day we travelled to Pensacola and this area was actually white washed (2 new missionaries) with the zone leaders. i went with Elder Fortin who is a brand new zone leader and has been out for 6 months, Im just going to say he has a pretty good short at taking my spot when i am no longer an assistant. He is super smart and really humble. We got to their apartment about an hour early and they werent home yet so we tried to break into their apartment, luckily they hadn't locked the window that day. We scared them so bad when the finally came in, it was super funny! The final leg of our tour of the mission was in good ole mobile! Elder Sorenson and I went up to Mobile North and I went with Elder Riddle. I was able to see a few people that i knew and spend my birthday in my old stomping grounds. It was nice to be back. 
   I have thought a lot about faith this past week. It is said that fear cannot reside in the same place as faith at the same time. Let's be honest with ourselves here, we're human...we are scared to do some things and that fear or anxiety will always be there. I will always be apprehensive to talk to random people or scared of heights..thats a fact. needless to say this fear without faith aspect has given me some grief. The more I have thought about it, I feel I know what is being said. In the equation of faith..if there is such a thing; I think all that really matters is if our faith exceeds our fear. If we have a sum total of faith then there is no fear that stops us doing things that we need to. The world isn't a good place. Without faith strong enough to "stay in the boat" it'll be a scary thing. I just want everyone to think of their personal equation of faith and fear. What is the difference? All is well. Love and miss y'all 

  Elder Welch

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