Another Week in the FTM


I honestly don't even remember what happened this week, it seems like a very long blur. Last week we had a cold front come in and I think I caught a cold from that this week. One plus side to this all was that I got to take cold medicine which made me sleep like a I'm not addicted, I just like good a good night rest. 
  Tuesday was a fun day, we had our zone training and then after that all we did was go and doing the departing devotional stuff with President and Sister Smith. We only had 2 missionaries leaving but we still got to go to a really good restaurant..Genghis Grill. On Wednesday we sent them off on the airplane and then had a lesson with a recent convert that moved here from California. This lady is a saint, I only wish that I can be as dedicated as her one day. She has a disease and had to go to California for three weeks and she has studied so much. When she left she was just going through the Book of Mormon and was in 3 Nephi somewhere. On Wednesday she told us that she had finished the Book of Mormon and is now in the 88 section of the Doctrine and Covenants. Everyday she reads the Book of Mormon, DC, and something from the Latter day prophets. This is the same lady that had a daughter die right before she was baptized. 
  I went on a tradeoff with the Pensacola zone leaders this week and I love that zone, my old stomping grounds. I heard about the FSU shooting that day and I was hoping all of the campus missionaries were ok. Other than that we have been in our area trying to find more people to teach, it has been really hard the past two weeks for some reason, we have some good potentials but we really need to broaden our teaching pool. No sermon on the mount today for y'all...mostly because there are no mounts here to teach on but I just hope everyone reflects on the blessings they've received this week. Love and miss y'all, all is well!

   Elder Welch

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