Work With a Purpose


  What a busy week! I feel like Elder McPherson left about a month ago but in reality it was only 9 days ago. The major events of this week seem almost like a blur to me. We are changing the way we do our tradeoffs with the zone leaders and so this week was our trial run with that. Normally Elder Sorenson and I would have driven all the way to Mobile and do 2 tradeoffs at once, blitzing their area and then moved to Pensacola and Fort Walton after that. Now we have to meet in the middle and go back to our respective areas, boy does it give us more time to work in our area. With us making a goal to be at the missionary standard for lessons taught in a week, we have been working our hinny's off! We were well on our way to the goal we set for the week but a ton of lessons dropped, more than the usual. You could say that was discouraging, which at first it was but I think we can keep our spirits high. To try and kick start our area we have been doing this lesson with members about examples and relating it to a pumpkin...I won't go into detail about that but I promise its good! We talk about being an example to others by setting our pumpkins on the porch and not in the back room (Matthew 5:15). We then talk to them about referrals and how in all reality missionaries ask for referrals to keep it on the members minds. We understand that if members already had a referral, they wouldn't wait until we asked to give it to us..therefore. We commit them to pray as a family that night for a less active family or area we can go and contact and then we would follow up with them, we've seen great results from this! 
   Not too many events happened this week. President and sister Smith had their mission president seminar up in Atlanta so he was out of the mission for half of the week, it made our schedule a little busier but he's back now! There are a couple of missionaries leaving this week and so one of them have been staying with us this past week, I love trio life! I was invited to sing a duet for the stake priesthood preview yesterday and that went really well! All of our investigators are a work in progress right now, we really need to find more, please pray for us! We have been super busy all week, one thing Ive learned as I've thought about it is this. Idleness is always not talked to highly of in the scriptures and so I've always tried to stay busy on my mission; however, not having a purpose in your life is no better than being idle. You can work as hard as you want but you'll be going in circles. I love the holiday season, it never feels like it here because it is warm but the spirit of Christmas is still here. I don't know about other missionaries but I love to milk the season! All is well and I love yah! 

   Elder Welch

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