Finding Riley


   Monday, we went and played basketball and dodgeball at the stake center with all the other Elders! We then had dinner with The Ladle family! They are super cool! Lauren (Senior in High school) is sorta dating this kid named Riley ( I may have already told you about him) He has been coming to church with her for like 4 or 5 weeks! We have been trying to set something up with them so we could start teaching him and we finally did. So we had dinner then a lesson! We taught him the Plan of Salvation! Went really good! We don't know how much of it he was really able to grasp! But he seemed to accept it! He has been reading from the Book of Mormon so thats a good sign! But it was a really good lesson! Hopefully he's not just doing this for Lauren! We will make sure he isn't! 
   Tuesday we had District meeting. It went really good! Basically he talked about how we all will go through hard times in our lives! But by showing gratitude and having a good attitude we can look at those hard times as blessings and learning experiences! This is what he had to say, "Everyone’s situation is different, and the details of each life are unique. Nevertheless, I have learned that there is something that would take away the bitterness that may come into our lives. There is one thing we can do to make life sweeter, more joyful, even glorious We can be grateful! 
   That night we taught mission prep and that was fun! Wednesday we had MLC! We had it in Crestview! So we had to drive the transfer van and haul the Tally 1 and 2 zone leaders and the Dothan zone leaders down with us, the Campus and Tally 1 sister training leaders and Dothan drove our car! We had a really good meeting! A lot of really good things discussed! 
 Thursday was mostly just travel! 
 Friday we had a good day! We started board week! We wont be able to do it much next week cause we have the 1/2 mission Christmas conferences! We get to go to both! So we started looking at everything! It seems to not be a very big transfer! We ate with the Wahlqusts for the 2nd day in a row! They are super good to us! We met with Celine and taught her a Christmas lesson! It was really good! We have done our last 2 lessons in her home so hopefully us being around will soften her parents hearts! I think we are slowly breaking down that wall between us and them! Hopefully one day it will all pay off! Celine is so solid though! She's doing great! Saturday we worked on the Transfer Board! We had lunch with President and Sister Smith! I love spending time with them! We met with Sister Hughes and had a good lesson with her!! We had a good fast Sunday! :) Sacrament meeting was great! We taught Riley at the Ladles after church! We taught him the Restoration! It went really good! HE IS ALREADY FINISHED WITH THE FIRST BOOK OF NEPHI!! He's cruising!! We watched the Christmas Devotional! I really enjoyed it! 
   Well that was our week! Like I said it will be another wild week! We will have our 1/2 mission conference here in Tally Tuesday and Thursday we will be in Pensacola for their 1/2! 

    Elder Welch

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