Traveling back to Fox Run


  This week we have had a lot of miles traveled! P-day we emailed then went and did some shopping. Bought a lot of gifts for Christmas for y'all! We watched the Restoration video with Celine and had a really good talk about Joseph Smith. Tuesday was the 1/2 mission conference for this side of the mission! It was at our chapel! So we got everything set up and it was nice to see all the mission buddies! We had a program where missionaries got up and sang Christmas songs, played the piano and guitar and it went really good!! We had lunch, then did a stocking exchange with a missionary we had been assigned to get gifts for! Each district put on a little skit to introduce everyone and that was a lot of fun! Then we got to watch "Meet the Mormons" as a Christmas present! SO good!! Every time I watch the last segment it tugs on my heart a wee bit. After the meeting I went with Elder Hintze ( Tally 1 ZL). We didn't even get done with the conference until 5 so we didn't have much of a tradeoff that day. 
   The next day we went and tried to do some finding. Then we traded Back and Elder Sorenson and I packed our bags to drive to Fox Run and stay the night for the other 1/2 mission conference! We stayed with Elder Clayton and MaClaws! It was so weird to be back in the area I was "born" in. I was able to see the Porter family after 14 months and it was so nice to be able to catch up with them, I miss that area and that family. 
   Thursday was 1/2 mission conference for the Pensacola side of the mission! It went really well! The performances were good! But the district intros weren't as good as the other half's but it was still a fun meeting! We cleaned up and hit the road! Stopped and got some food and got home around 10:20 pm. Long day!! 
   Friday we did our weekly planning. As well we went and taught Derrick! We taught him about Sabbath day attendance and the importance of keeping the Sabbath day holy! He has been working on Sunday and it has kept him from coming to church so we committed him to ask for that day off! Hopefully his boss understands! We had the Ward Christmas Party that night! It went really well, most organized ward party I've ever seen in my life! The food was great! A woman who was trying to start a rehab type church was there and had been invited by a member of our ward. She was nice and we were able to give her a short church tour and left her with a Book of Mormon and an invite to meet with missionaries and come to church! That evening we went to see a member and he was jamming out on his guitar! He is really good! So he offered to play for us! He has like 15 different guitars! Huge collection! He has a whole big speaker system hooked up in a room in his house and he jams out!
   Saturday we helped the Sister missionaries with some service at Derrick and Sister Sanchez's home! We raked leaves! We left from there and had lunch with President and Sister Smith! Then we finished up transfers! We were working on it till about 5! But we all felt pretty good about everything! :) This transfers going to be wild! We usually have the incoming missionaries come in on Tuesday and do a welcoming devotional and then train there trainers the next morning and send them off to their new areas, then go to Crestview and do the Transfer changes. Then all the departing missionaries come back to Tally with us! We have dinner with them and they leave the following day! But... this transfer we are having the departing dinner and welcoming dinner the same day and the morning we are training the Trainers we are dropping off the Departing missionaries! So we are having some Zone Leaders do the training for us so we can drop off the Departing missionaries! Then we are going to Crestview and doing the changes! So Wednesday is going to be a wild, wild day! But a fun day! I love being busy!!         Sunday we had church! It went really well! Riley our investigator doesn't really know what the Spirit feels like so last lesson we taught him about it and he felt the Spirit in the meeting! He's coming around! We had a lesson with him right after church and watched the Restoration Dvd with him! He has been reading, coming to church and is learning how to Pray! He is solid!! We had to organize all the transfer stuff so we did some stuff in the office and then got to call the Zone Leaders and tell them who in their zone needs to pack there bags and be in Crestview! Like i said its crazy organizing all of this! We had to tell everyone exactly where they need to be at what time like 2 or 3 times! But we get it worked out! :) Sometimes its like herding cats but it teaches us communication skills! love and miss y'all, all is well. 

  Elder Welch


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