Back to Fox Run


  This week was packed with a lot of different activities that have ranged all across the mission. Monday we were supposed to go to Dothan to help some sisters move out of their apartment but that ended up getting cancelled so we were left Monday evening with an empty schedule. We ended up staying busy in the office though so no problems there. 
  Tuesday we had district meeting and our district leader was super sick the whole meeting! An hour into the meeting he had to sit down and I taught the rest of it for him. I love training missionaries, we don't get as much an opportunity to do it as zone leaders or district leaders. We had to help a senior couple the rest of that day with unpacking the things they acquired when they moved people. 
  Wednesday was a special day for me but also kind of a tough one. We travelled to Fox Run (where I started my mission) to help the elders move, yes one of the two companionships in that area aren't going to be there anymore. The bright side of the day was that I got to go on a tradeoff with the elders for that day. I didn't get to see a ton of people that I taught but I did get to see Cody Cousin, someone that I baptized when I was there, He is doing great and I saw the ward mission leader and it was just a good reunion to be back in fox run all together.
  Thursday we travelled back to Tallahassee all day. Friday we had to do a lot of our weekly duties that we hadn't gotten taken care of yet so we weekly planned, unloaded our trailer, went to the dumps for the first time on my mission, they are TOTALLY different in the south. Saturday was a great day. With not having many people to teach we contacted for about 3-4 hours. I honestly wasn't as use to it as I was in Mobile so I was kind of rusty and I was super intimidated! We had ward conference Sunday and Riley was confirmed, great meeting! When we contacted on Sunday I felt a lot more confident. Sorry for the short email but know I love and miss everyone, all is well! 
   Elder Welch

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