Riley Kostrzewa Baptism


The days seem like a blur to me! On Monday we went to the court house and the office building for the Florida government and it was sweet, with it being such a tall building i could see all of Tallahassee. Driving around I don't really notice that there are no mountains here but it is still weird for me to get above the trees and see the earth curve. On Tuesday I had a tradeoff with someone who has served his whole mission around me, i absolutely love the kid. Elder Peterson is the tally 1 zone leader and served with me in the mobile zone, he is such a stud. We we had about an hour to proselyte and then had to go to presidents to help with with something and ended up being there all night and eating dinner with him. We taught Sister Baumeister about Elder Anderson and how apostles speak on whatever we desire and need answer for then committed her to come with a specific question. 
   On Wednesday we did service at a homeless shelter to tradeback with our companions. Im not going to lie, i was kind of nervous to know what I was going to be encountering there but it was so much fun, there was surprisingly quite a bit of missionary opportunities there with the staff. Elder Sorenson and I had a few hours to proselyte that day and then that night we taught Riley his last lesson and Elder Sorrel conducted the interview. Thursday was great! The missionaries in Tallahassee basically got to spend all day long with him. from 1-4 he held a special conference for the entire mission to come to. We gave him 4 questions we wanted to know and he talked all 3 hours about them. I learned a lot! I think the main points i took away were what he said about honesty and focusing on the unseen. I loved him being here specifically because he is from Florida so I felt like he could relate to us more than the previous general authorities, it felt that way when he was talking to us too. That night there was an hour and a half meeting for the Tallahassee stake and then missionaries in that city could go to the meeting. The main take away I had there was that I need to surround myself with greatness spiritually. If I'm around people that are spiritually uplifting and have high standards as well that will accelerate my spiritual growth that much more! 
   Friday I had an exchange with Elder Christensen and I learned so much. There are few missionaries in our mission that alma 48:17 applies to, i can only think of 3 that I've been around but Elder Christensen is one of them. I love the caliber of missionaries I get to go on tradeoffs with, i at times feel like they are the leaders on the exchange. 
   On Saturday Elder Sorenson and I helped Elder and Sister Bell with some of the housing duties, that took up all of our day other than doing our weekly planning that night. On Sunday we had the baptism of Riley and that must have been the most missionary oriented service I have ever been to. Riley's whole family was there and everyone who talked sounded like they were talking directly to them but not making it noticeable. Our ward mission leader bore a powerful testimony after the baptism, we watched a video about the book of mormon, and the music was was actually performed by Marvin Goldstein...I love that guy, such a saint. 
   I love the gospel and I love being a missionary. I love the spirit I've felt in this setting. I hope everyone recognizes that when we receive the gift of the holy ghost the wording "receive the holy ghost" is an invitation, not a command. It's up to us to live worthily of it, it's not a freebee. Love and miss y'all! all is well. 

   Elder Welch


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