Last Week as AP


What a great week! I am going to the beach today because it is one of the Sister's in my district birthday, party time! Today I don't need to really talk about the specifics of the week but I just want to highlight some of the main tender mercies. Its been board week so we have been busy with that, it was also spring break for FSU and FAMU (FSU even kicked all of the students out of the dorms so there wouldn't be any partying, there was no one on that campus!) so we were a little worried that the work was going to be really slow but its been amazing how the Lord has provided. 
   Tender Mercy #1- We were walking around on FAMU one day trying to find anyone on campus and we came across one dude. His name is Sekou Muhammad...guess what religion he is!? It doesnt matter though. We shared a family history card with him and he was down. Not a huge miracle that we saw him and got a return appointment with him but it leads up to our second tender mercy. 
   Tender Mercy #2- We were at the family history appointment with Sekou and the library was about to close. He said we could go to a different room and continue but because of our busy schedule that day we ended the appointment with him even though he wanted to continue. As we walked out of the library in the architecture building we said our goodbyes to him and started heading for the back door (the same door we came in from). As we approached the door we all stopped and thought that it might be smarter to go out the front door to save some time, especially since we were in a rush! 
   When we went out of the door we were walking up to the sidewalk and crossed paths with a guy. His name was Clayton and he talked to him for maybe 15 seconds explaining the family search website, gave him the card, and then said goodbye. About 30 seconds later when we were about to get into our car he yelled back to us and asked us if we were affiliated with the "Mormon church." We all turned on a dime and concurred! He talked about how he is from Brazil and was wanting to get in contact with missionaries to learn more about the church, he even tried to call the 3rd ward bishop but no luck. We set up an appointment with him. 
The amazing thing about this story is the chain of events that led us to this man. 
 1) We scheduled the Family history appointment with Sekou at the perfect time and in the perfect place..and might I add, on a week where no one else was there! 
 2) Even though Sekou wanted to continue and was extremely interested, we ended up leaving a little early. 
 3) We were prompted to go out a different door.  
 4) We were directed to Clayton at a perfect time. (We were in such a hurry we wouldn't have went out of our way to talk to him.) 
 5) We only have one side of the story of how we were led to him, we are sure how he was led to us was just as inspired. There is no doubt in our mind that his ancestors led us to him and prepared his mind to accept the message. 
  Tender Mercy #3- The lesson we taught Clayton was amazing! We found out that he is from a small country town in Brazil where he said he never sees missionaries and that he was a foreign exchange student for this year and goes home in June. We taught him the restoration and boy was it powerful, probably top 10 of my mission on the scale of spiritual. He is so good at keeping his be continued! 
  There are so many tender mercies that are right under our nose, if we dont look at the big picture, with an eternal perspective, we wont see them! The secret to happiness is gratitude! Love and miss yall!

 Elder Welch

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