Transferred to Troy, Alabama


For those of you that dont know, I was transferred this week! I am not serving at the tippy top of our the mission in a small place called Troy, Alabama and training Elder Pusey (Pue-z). He is from Toelle, Utah and went to BYU-I for a semester before coming out. This week was crazy all around because first of all on monday we had key indicators and that morning we had to get all of the logistics figured out. There was black boxes put into our cars last transfer and when the guy from salt lake came to put those in he said that we were going to be losing 18 cars from the mission, we had to figure out how to get all of those cars in during the transfer but it worked, my companions figured it out once I was gone, theyre studs. Another thing that was good about monday was that our district won the dodgeball tournament again! 
  Tuesday we had a good district meeting! Elder Hintze is the best district leader I've had on my mission and I am patterning a lot of what I want to do in district meeting after what he did. We picked up the new missionaries that day and it was fun to know who my companion was going to be and watch him that day before it was announced on Wednesday. On Wednesday was a very emotional day for me. I am not one for change, I think I get attached to things pretty easily, and I knew I was leaving behind something I had worked on so hard for the past 9 months. The bright side of leaving was that I got a hug from Sister Smith! That is something that no one usually gets until they are going on the airplane, it was the closest thing I got to a momma hug in a long time. 
  I was really unsure what Troy was going to be like but the best thing I can describe it as as far as size goes is about the size of Wells. The bright side to it is that there is Troy University which increases the size about 30%. We have done a lot of planning the past couple of days because we need to get a direction before we work and a lot of it is now starting to come together. Our plan for this area is to work the campus in the day time and during the night to have at least 1 member lesson a day about missionary work. We really want to involved the members in the community. We can baptize all we want on campus but it wont give support to the branch because they travel back home after they are done with their schooling. We think its a good combination. I love everyone, I love missionary work. Expect miracles! All is well! Love yall 
    Elder Welch

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