New Companion, Elder McMickell


Well I don't know if there could have been a week with so many surprises and lessons learned. Last week I told yall that I was beginning my last transfer and staying with my old companion who I was training and in the same area. Monday night President Smith called us and asked if we could handle a third Elder...what did he expect us to say?! We welcomed Elder McMickell to our companionship Wednesday down at transfer spots in Crestview, Florida...I LOVE road trips, I was so use to them traveling the mission but it was nice to get back on the road for a little bit. Elder McMickell has a LOT of energy and it has boosted our companionship a little bit so that has been nice, we just need to channel that energy.
   Campus has had finals all of last week and will wrap them up this week so we have dropped a lot of investigators in the process of them going home so that has slowed the area down a lot, we just keep trucking though! One of our cool experiences this week was one of the guys(Rob) we have been doing family history with agreed to have a lesson of why we do it and it was super powerful, if anyone wants to hear it Ill teach it to them when I am home, President Smith came up with it. He accepted the invitation to take the real lessons from that so we are pumped to teach that this week.
  The weather has been beautiful this week and is starting to get a bit is suppose to get up to 90 today with humidity raging! I am dark above the collar but everyone is going to have to be patient with me when i get home with my awkward tan lines, they only get worse! On Saturday we did service for the Whitings around the yard and it was nice to work in that type of way. Elder McMickell and I got to pull a tree out of the ground! That afternoon we went to a branch activity where we had a BBQ and went fishing! All in all a great week, we are focusing on finding so pray for us to find prepared people! All is well! 

  Elder Welch

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