Old Ladies Love Elder Welch


I've been doing college stuff so this is going to be a little shorter than normal, sorry! This week has seemed as if it has just blown by! It may have something to do with the fact that last week was a 9 day stretch from p-day to p-day. For everyone that is unaware, I will be staying in Troy for my last 6 weeks with Elder Pusey, Im pumped! As for the week, it was a lot less wet than last week so that is a plus right off the bat! I have probably mentioned it a million of times in my previous emails but with campus closing we are slowly trying to get off of it, some how the investigators we have right now just keep pulling us back! On Tuesday I had my final exchange with one of the district members and Elder Pusey took over the area for his first time, he did a great job; I went down to Ozark with Elder Moss. The first people we went to see were basically the stereotypical southern people, i love em! We taught at 20 year old kid and after the lesson his 80 year old, toothless grandma came out and started talking a lot about how the death of others has ruined her faith. The reason Im telling you this story is because of this. When we were about to head out she turned to me and said "you're new." I explained that I was from Troy and was just there for the day. She proceeded to tell me how much she loved the missionaries and as we were walking away she got our attention and said "boy, if I was 40 years younger I would take the new one for a spin." Thats right, I have been on college campuses for 3 months and the first person to hit on me is an 80 year old lady, Ill take what I can get I guess! The funny thing is thats not the only story. On Saturday we were doing service for the city of troy at an art festival. We ran into some of the students we teach english to and it was small talk. Eventually one of the girls that is rather out spoken says this in broken English..."why are you two always together? (looking at me) do you love him?(pointing to elder Pusey)." Trying my hardest not to die laughing we explained who we are. I love Asian people. 
   This week has been a little bit of ups and downs in a small period of time. Within the week we have had 3 different people bash us but have also given 4 blessings. We have see a lot of amazing things happen, preparing us for the area: 
1) Rob- we found rob a few weeks ago through a family history contact. He had an emergency appendectomy so we hadn't seen him for about a week. We finally saw him this week and worked on his family history once more. Last time we only got to about 1900s on both sides but after an hour of research we were blessed to go back to the 1300s. He was blown away! It was a perfect opportunity to extend an invitation to learn more about why we do family history. He accepted and we will be teaching him this week. 
2) Megan and Mallory- Elder Pusey contacted Megan on the exchange and she set an appointment up with and him also referred him to her twin sister, she accepted to come to the appointment. We taught them at the end of the week and they have been the most prepared people we are teaching up to this point. One of the great things about them is they don't go home until July so we can teach them this transfer! 
3) A less active/recent convert family came to church for the first time in months!(she had her leg amputated) All is well here, until next week. Love yah! 

 Elder Welch


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