L Tom Perry Passed

   I might say this a lot but I really do think this was the fastest week of my mission, it flew by! We had a lot of appointments set up so I think it was attributed a lot to that. On Tuesday I had my final zone training and it was really good, I feel like the zone leaders touched on everything that the zone needs, I wish they would focus more on families though. I was asked to teach about all the work we have been doing up in Troy with members and I felt that went well. Most of that day we tracted around and tried to set up appointments for the rest of the week. Wednesday was our really good day! We had a family history appointment with one of our really good potentials and we got back to the 1400's in about an hour, she was so excited about it, we have an appointment with her this week(unfortunately I will be on exchange) my companions are planning on moving into the doctrine with her this week, pray that she will be accepting! 

  We have also been meeting with an excommunicated member for a while and found out he had a massive heart attack this week, i think he had 5 100% blockages in his heart...I didn't even know we had that many passages! Thursday was a crazy day, we got soaked! I know that the rest of the USA is under a storm cloud as well but we were POURED on for a good hour while tracting, only 1 person even invited us to come in needless of how dangerous it was to even be outside, the guy that we talked to was a super good guy though, he is moving to Colorado this week so hopefully the concentration of members there gets him! This week was really just a good ole proselyting week. Nancy and Will postponed meeting with us until fall due to how busy they are going to be this summer so that was super sad! 
  It was sad to hear about Elder Perry's passing and how sudden it was. In one month it went from no pain, to cancer, to terminal, to death. That doesn't happen normally, that illness was guided, he was needed, and if any of us know Elder Perry, he is doin work on the other side! See everyone in 10! love yall. All is well 

Elder Welch

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