My Last Letter


My heart is full of gratitude and I don't know if I can adequately talk about what ive learned or what i have appreciated these past 24 months. I know that Heavenly Father knew what I needed to help me change. I love the missionaries that I have been able to serve with here in the FTM, especially President and Sister Smith. I love the people of the south even though they have brought some of the most undesired emotions at times, I have loved serving them. I am thankful to my parents who have raised me in a gospel atmosphere, who have provided the way to serve for 2 years, and who have sacrificed anything and everything for the benefit of my siblings and myself. I have a heart full of gratitude for the trials that I have experienced. I do believe that I have had more frequent trials but through each of those trials come lessons learned. Im thankful for the man that Heavenly Father has permitted me to be. I pray that I may continue to be the tool in His hand. The three main things that I have learned on my mission that has shaped all of my decisions and outcomes are these. 
 GRATITUDE- Gratitude is a catalyst to all attributes of Heavenly Father. Its a motivator and faith builder. I have had better results in a day that I pray that my eyes might be opened to the tender mercies the Lord provides me with. In all things, be grateful! 
FAITH- This probably seems pretty self explanatory. Nothing is or can be done without the help of the Almighty. 
EFFORT- "Faith without works is dead, being alone." I have learned how to work hard on my mission. I love being in His service. Pray hard, work hard. I love the Lord. I have loved getting to know him in this atmosphere. All is well. Love yall and will see you Thursday evening! 

 Elder Welch


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