Elder Pino Half Mission Conference - Cody's Baptism

 This week seems like it flew by but looking back to last Monday that was forever ago! It was a great week! Tuesday was a bit of a hard day because it was our biking day since the sisters have the car and it rained all day! We were able to get out and work for about an hour or two but other than that we were inside all stinking day! On Wednesday we were able to go to Crestview and have our half mission conference. Elder Pino of the seventy came to speak to us. I got a little bit of a taste of a foreign mission since he didn’t speak a lick of English and needed a translator but his talk was really good.  He talked about the importance of our studies and being obedient. It did get hard to focus at times with him speaking a different language. On Thursday we went around seeing people and finished planning Cody’s baptism but the best part of the day was going to see my boy Jimmy MacArthur! He lives in a manor and isn’t all there but he is an awesome guy. We all know how manors are and there is this one lady there that is pretty crazy. Well we were in the lobby of the manor and this lady rolls in. Jimmy leans over to Elder Nelson and I and said "don’t talk to her, she’s crazy and she swears" we kind of chuckled and let it be. Some time goes by and we hear her swear at this older man and threatens to flip his wheelchair over and Jimmy leans back over to us and says "see, I told you she was a crazy" Elder Nelson and I couldn’t contain ourselves. We got two new investigators this week who have been hit by the humble stick pretty hard, we taught them the first lesson and one of them committed to baptism on the 20th, and we’ll see how it goes though. They argued with us about dinosaurs, they think they should be in the bible. I had a tradeoff Friday with the new greeny and I feel like that was me yesterday ha-ha, I can relate to him well and hopefully helped him out. We walked ten miles that day because they had used all their miles I was so tired. Not to mention that the very next day we moved 3 people in and out of their home.  We then did some yard work. I was exhausted by the time Sunday came around! Sunday was the baptism of my boy Cody! He has been so ready and he is the person I have come the closest to on my mission so far. He will bless his family for eternity for the choice he made.

 This week I would just like to bear my testimony. Did you know every time you bear your testimony your sins are forgiven? Share your testimonies! I know that this church is true. I know that obedience is the law that governs heaven. I know that Joseph Smith saw God the Father and Jesus Christ. I know missions are meant for everyone sometime in their life where ever it may be, home, work, or fulltime. I know Thomas S. Monson is called of God and all others called into leadership positions. Bishops, Stake Presidents, Deacon Quorum President, etc.  I love my mission, I love my area, and I love this gospel.

 Love and Miss Yall! All is well

Elder Welch

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