Erin Called to Serve in Lima - TJ's Baptism

   What a great week! First off shout out to Erin on getting her call to Lima, she will do great down there! On Monday we taught Cody again.  They told us a story of how after our lesson with him on Sunday his wife was trying to cuddle with him or something, and he moved away and said, "Don’t touch me, I’m in a holy place", hahaha funniest thing I’ve heard in response to asking anyone if they felt the Spirit in the last lesson. We have taught him basically everything with in this last week and his baptismal date has been moved up to the 28th.  I’m 99.9% sure he will get baptized, I love that guy! 

  On Tuesday we went over to Pine Forest ward missionary's apartment and we fried Twinkies, I don’t know why, because I don’t even like sweets that much.  The south has converted me a little bit! I’m only 155 though, no worries! Thursday my companion gave me a buzz cut basically and it is so nice! I love not having to worry about how hot it is when my hair is that long. We also were getting the font all set up for TJ that day and Elder Nelson was trying to kill this cockroach with a pole...well somehow the cockroach gets flung up into the air and I book it and get clothes lined by this pole Elder Nelson was holding and had a fat lip for a day or so, it was really funny. On Thursday night we went out to a less actives home and did service for him, he has a gorgeous home! When I picture retirement I picture his house, he's in charge of all of the airplanes down on force down here. I guess his wife got offended somehow but he is a really good guy! I can eventually see him in a bishopric someday! Saturday went down in the record books! TJ WAS BAPTIZED! I was lucky enough to be able to baptize him and he was ordained to the office of a Priest yesterday. Bishop has big things in store for him in this ward and we know Heavenly Father has big things for him as well, I’m proud of him! Transfers are this week but I am staying here for this transfer! I love the area and Elder Nelson and I are doing WORK! The Lord has blessed us so much. There is opposition in all things so we love it when times are good. The Lord is too good to us! I cannot wait for General Conference and we are having a general authority come the 24th so that'll be awesome as well!

  This week I wanted to talk about trials. Why does the Lord give us trials? Why does he let bad things happen when we have the best of intentions, and are working are butt off? This trial isn’t to punish us it’s to strengthen us! We learn through hard times, we grow through hard times, and most of all we turn to Heavenly Father in our hard times. My challenge to everyone that reads this is to be grateful for all things the Lord gives us. They are ALL for our benefit and growth. I love ya’ll and hit my 3 month mark last Thursday! All is well

  Elder Welch

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