TJ's Baptismal Date

 This week has just flown by, it was a really good one too. So something I'm going to tell the family but not put in my regular letter. So Elder Nelson showed me a missionary tradition this last week that I did more for a memory than for the actual things it did. I drank magnesium Citrate....its a laxative. It wasn't that bad and they do it because missionaries eat so much nasty stuff that they want to clean out every once and a while. I thought it was cool until I started peeing out my butt...never doing it again but it was fun while it lasted! 

   This week has been amazing! It started off slow and kind of was weird with labor day being last Monday but it didn't faze the work. Last week I talked about how in zone conference presidents vision for the mission is to get more involved with family history work. I want to share how that has changed our missionary work. I OYM'd(opened my mouth) some guy on the street and taught him about family history, he ended up not living in our area but the cool thing about this was this was the single moment where my mission changed, I don't know why, probably because i followed the counsel of my leaders but that very moment is when I started to love my mission, love sharing the gospel, and love where I am. Not everyone comes into the field with that and I needed to find that passion for what I am doing and the Lord blessed me with it. FOLLOW OUR LEADERS! On Thursday/Friday I had another tradeoff with Elder Lane and all we did was service...for 4 hours! It was fun but i was so tired after that. We saw a HUGE caterpillar and banana spider which Ill send a picture of, it was cool! The 70 year old bishop we did service for put up 200lbs for bench press though...I was sore amazed! Now to the good stuff! On Saturday we set up a full day trade off with TJ our investigator. He studied with us and went to all of our lessons. Before Saturday we didn't think he was ready or even wanted to be baptized on the 14th but afterward he told us he was ready for it so pray TJ will be strong through this week! He bore awesome testimony of the restoration in one of our lessons too. The cool thing is it wont only be my first baptism but he has asked me to baptize him. I'm humbled and honor to do so. His member friend might be coming up from south Florida and if he does he will baptize him but that is still questionable. It doesn't matter though! TJ IS GETTING BAPTIZED!  We also went and saw brother curry yesterday, he's one of our less actives and he told us a story that he felt that if the elders came over that day that that would be a sign from heaven that it is his sign to quit smoking, sure enough when we came over he slapped the last pack he had in our hands and we chucked them! He also gave his first talk in church yesterday and he was so nervous but the spirit was so strong! It doesn't matter the words we say its the spirit that we bring into the room. Last week we went over to the Porters who are an active family but one of their daughters are married to a nonmember and he was never interested, in fact when elder nelson talked to him last week he said "this gospel will bless you life if you just let it" Cody(the nonmember) told him not to preach to him and we left it at that. Resume to this week and Sister Porter invited us to dinner and to teach Cody the first discussion, we were so surprised! He is so ready though. When we taught him and I was quoting the first vision I was about in tears because of the spirit in that room! He committed to baptism on October 5th(dads bday)! The message I want to share this week goes along with what I've seen this week with my own two eyes. Gods hand is in the lives of ALL of us. He guides us and sets us up for the future. Follow the promptings of the spirit. This is my testimony. Love and miss y'all

Elder Welch

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