Awful Haircut


This week has been a long one and a humbling one! We had a lot of appointments set up throughout the week...8 to be exact and all fell through so obtaining our goals for the week was like pulling teeth, but we did the best we could and that is all the Lord asks of us! Not a whole lot to say this week, but I do have an amazing story! This week I have seen the Lord answer my prayers and I know that He puts us in the paths of others. Elder Clayton and I were on our way to a returning member’s home but the GPS messed up somehow and we found out we were heading to a potential’s house. We knew that the Lord had a reason for us to be in that area at that time. We got out and started tracting a few houses and there weren’t even doors opening up to us. A little discouraged we head back to the car and see this younger lady walking with her kids and we know this is why we came here. I opened my mouth and she not only took one Book of Mormon but TWO, so she could give one to her friend. As we said our goodbyes, Elder Clayton and I realized we never got any of her information. That whole day we felt terrible and had a prayer in our hearts that we would be able to get back in contact with this sister. A few days go by and we decide to try back around that same area to find this girl. As we walk we see this car drive by with a kid hanging out the window that looked like the one that the girl was walking. Elder Clayton and I look at each other and we followed that car! We knock on the door of the house that the car was at and it wasn’t the people we were looking for, BUT they knew who we were talking about and looking for and gave us the directions to the girl’s home. The Lord sent us there, gave us another opportunity, put the car in our path to find the general area where we needed to be, and then let us knock on a woman’s door who knew the young girl. We got her address down and gave the referral to Theodor since she was just babysitting at that house. The Lord does answer our prayers, we may have to work for it a bit but He did answer! It is His work! 

  We have 2 Muslim investigators now. They are super hard to teach and not really looking to convert...yet! We teach one of them the plan of salvation today so y'all will hear how that goes next week! We taught Pat Baldwin this week as well and he was looking more for knowledge but after we taught him the plan of salvation his mind set changed, he was asking some crazy deep questions for being an investigator though, like temple stuff.  We eventually had to just promise blessings for his concerns and stop his questions, ha-ha. He has a Catholic mom who he needs permission from so we will see how that goes! We got a baptismal date this week with one of our investigators too, Scott Anderson. He doesn’t understand authority but he definitely felt the Spirit in the restoration so he is searching it out for himself.

So I went to get my haircut this morning and this lady decides to shave my neck. I will send pictures and name the things that she did wrong! And just FYI, I’m totally fine, just a good story to tell.

1) She dry shaved me

2) She didn’t try to go around my mole, now I don’t need to worry about a mole

3) She put this antiseptic on it that burned really bad

4 and probably worst of all) she put after shave on an open flesh wound! I thought I would cry, but I didn’t

Once again I am fine, it’s funny to me!

  This week I wanted to talk about the Prophet Joseph Smith and his long suffering. It has helped me a lot this week, and we watched the prophet of the restoration DVD this week too. He had 5 kids’ die on earth...what a trial here, but he had 5 kids waiting for him after he died. He was beaten and you could say he was thrown into the deepest part of the refiner’s fire! He was faithful and is exalted on high. Think of your trials, think of how they will benefit you in the next life and then move on with them, you will be able to endure them better.

All is well.

Love and Miss ya’ll!

Elder Welch

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