Finding Patrick


 What an amazing week! It was also one of the hardest, most draining weeks physically/spiritually/emotionally I've ever gone through! Starting on Tuesday...We went to district meeting where i was able to meet all the other missionaries in the surrounding area and that was cool. There are 12 of us in all and that is over half of the zone so that's huge! Elder Buhler, our district leader is a really good teacher and a really good missionary so I am happy I get to serve with him these next few months! After district meeting we had to go get our car fixed because the windows rolled down every time we unlocked the car. It was in the shop for 2 days! They didn't even figure out what was wrong with it either. 

   Anyway...Since we had no car Wednesday we had to walk all day, 20 miles in total and 2 pounds lost baby! Not many people answered the door but the ones that did were golden, the Lord blessed us with a new investigator! We give a little, He gives a lot! We taught a guy that requested us from We taught the restoration and it went alright, nothing too big, we have a return appointment with him this week! We were walking home that night and it was 8:30 so it was dark. We see this big suburban pull in by the park and he parks his car. Elder Clayton just taps my leg and I said see it and just kept walking. We then see a guy walk around the corner and I was about ready to either beat a man or run like a girl! His first words out of his mouth was, "Hey Elders" so we knew that he knew us and we calmed was the branch president in a neighboring area. Super cool guy, just scared us a bit, he worked for the FBI too! Thursday we had interviews with president and it  was a really spiritual uplifting experience for me and much needed. I love that guy and know that he is inspired! We also weekly planned and set goals and Elder Clayton and I set a pretty high goal of 8 LA lessons for the week in this area and didn't know why...the Lord did!  

   Friday we had our car back and went out proselyting and no one was answering there doors. We went home and had dinner and then went back out to work and this is where the Lords hand comes into the work...We got 5 less active lessons in 3 hours! it was amazing and unheard of here! The Lord knew our potential but needed to wait until the very last second to see if we would endure through the day. we see that in the First Vision too...Joseph Smith was about to give up and then exerted all of His efforts and then God stepped in and saved him from the adversary! For those of you that don't know much about this are i have a funny thing that I found out about this area this week. If any of y'all have seen the YouTube video where the guy says "hide yah kids hide yah wife" and the lady says "ain't nobody got time for dat" yup, that was here! haha Those are the ones I teach and I love them to death!

    For my message this week I wanted to talk about callings since we just got a new stake President and it is your job to make sure his job runs smoothly, not his! We get called to things that we think are too hard for ourselves or we get called to things we think are too easy for us. The thing of the matter is it doesnt matter if its easy or hard, the Lord has something to teach you in that calling at that time. Always remember, It's not where you get called to serve but it is how you serve in that calling. Try your best and the Lord will do the rest! This is my testimony. Love and miss yall!

Elder Welch

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