Another Transfer in Mobile

 Well as you know it has been another transfer that has come and gone. I am moving into my 6th transfer and I cant even believe it, time has just flown not only on my mission but especially here in Mobile! 

 This will be my third transfer with Elder Clayton, he will be hitting 6 months here in mobile, that is a long time to be in one area but he is handling it like a champ. This week has been one where it looked like it was going to be really good but things just fell through! Appointments falling through is a normal thing but all of them in one week is pretty crazy. We did have one lesson with our use to be investigator, the same one that said he liked one of the sisters serving in the area (both of them got transferred out by the way). We talked to him about the importance of the Book of Mormon and then I felt we needed to leave so I hurried up and wrapped the lesson up. That same night we got a texted from him cussing us out and threatening to kill us because he wanted to take Sister Onkst out to dinner before she left and she asked me and I said no, somehow he found out that I was the DL which should have never happened. Anyway we told the zone leaders and they told president so we aren't allowed to go into that part of our area anymore so we had to drop him...crazy stuff goes down in Mobile y'all

There are Elders that are replacing the sisters so we now have an all elder district and zone, last one in the mission! We had another lesson with an investigators we usually don't get to see that often which was really nice, he is on probation so we cant baptize him until 2016 but we still like to keep in touch. We are starting to focus a lot of less actives in the zone because the new zone goal for 2014 is to have 40% of the less actives reactivated by the end of the year, we have done pretty well with that here in Mobile recently so we are excited about that goal. Something crazy that happened this Friday happened at basketball. We have it weekly and less actives and nonmembers come to it but this particular week it was one less active and all the rest nonmembers. One of the nonmembers and the less active started getting into it and we were about 2 seconds away from a fight until Elder clayton and I pulled the plug and told everyone to go home, we had to talk to them about it and if it happens again basketball will be done for good.

    This week I have gained a special testimony of prayer. Many people call it one of the "simples" which is true, it is pretty simple to do. We cant know anything spiritually without it, nothing. We wont hold up against temptation as well without it either, its just a must. I love and miss y'all, have a good week. All is well

Elder Welch

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